Why Is There So Much Misinformation About Marijuana?

Question by Nunya: Why is there so much misinformation about marijuana?
Why is it that so many people spout “facts” about the lethality, addictiveness, and effects of marijuana despite the availability of test results from respected members of the scientific and medical communities? Tests conducted at the behest of Presidents even? Why do people continue in this day and age not link to or cite their sources? Why do people allow themselves to be led into believing something without having done any actual research themselves?

What can we do to change it? Not just for marijuana but in any case where the facts are out there and yet popular opinion overrules them?

Best answer:

Answer by super girl
Because majority rules. People are stupid and they always believe what they hear and read. Without ever testing the effects for themselves. They believe the ignorance because of the the way that it is described as a gateway drug. I had used marijuana for many many years and I’ve held jobs where I was the best worker. I was the one pretty much keeping my department afloat. It was because I smoked pot and I was able to deal with the stupidity of the other workers. I wasn’t lazy, I didn’t eat uncontrollably, I wasn’t in a state of paranoia. I just don’t get it. Perhaps a small number of people cannot handle the affects of marijuana because they are unsure of what is happening. When it was your first time, didn’t you get a little scared? Well the only reason I believe I was scared was the fear of getting caught. Not fear from smoking pot. I got that same fear when I smoked cigarettes for the first time. I drank alcohol as a teen regularly, it was a family thing. I now see how dumb that is. Marijuana is by far the better choice. I don’t know all of the scientific mumbo jumbo but I do know that I like marijuana. I like how it keeps me calm. When I had anxiety it worked for it. There is no reason for the way that people react toward marijuana. Fear of the unknown. But I bet most of those people drink. What about liver damage, kidney damage, brain damage, bloating, fatal car crashes, etc., etc. that go along with drinking alcohol? Its nice to know that when a police officer gets finished with the marijuana drug bust he goes to the bar with his coworkers afterwords. Oh is it ok to drink 1 drink. I have smoked blunt after blunt and still am able to decipher what is going on around me. Give me 2 drinks on the other hand and I am smashed in 20 minutes. Cant walk, see clearly, definitely cant drive. Cant even hold a real conversation when you are drunk. I don’t get that from pot. I am able to concentrate and achieve because I am high. I can fallow a conversation when I smoke. The only reason I cant smoke now is because I am looking for a job. And the fact that I cannot afford it. If it were legal I would quit smoking cigarettes right now. I feel worse from smoking a cigarette than marijuana. I don’t feel badly in any way. I don’t think it is strong enough to do any real damage. Alcohol on the other hand takes lives every day. Just to see people I know losing they’re minds from drinking. When they aren’t drinking they are depressed, bloated, in pain, like coming off of heroin. So I’ve heard. Gateway drug my ass. I drank first. I stopped drinking and went to pot. I felt better physically and I knew who I was and who was sitting next to me. I felt the affects of alcohol 2 days after drinking. People are dumb. They don’t have all the facts. They shouldn’t talk about things they know nothing about. I wouldn’t comment on how to perform brain surgery because I read how. So why is it that people pass judgment on marijuana if they have no real facts? I have never done PCP or heroin so I don’t know what the affects are but I have seen people on those drugs and they act nothing like a pothead. I have never seen anyone on pot act as though they were insane. And no one has ever gotten better looking after I smoked pot. No one trips on pot like acid. I have never hallucinated from pot. I have from alcohol. And I have never done any other drug other than what was prescribed to me by a doctor. And those drugs were worse than marijuana. I just watched a video with the supreme court and there was a guy talking smack about pot. The guy that was talking in response made sense. The first guy said the people are fatally killed on a daily basis from drugs. The second guy said, “ok I am sure you can give me an example of people hurt while on drugs, but where are the statistics that show the harm from marijuana?” The first guy actually said, “I cant. There are none.” The site I watched this video was www.norml.com. There are a lot of interesting facts that you may want to see. The fact that most people are paranoid without marijuana is so much worse than any paranoia from pot. My coworkers never knew that I smoked weed. Never. They had bloodshot eyes, and a stench on they’re breaths from the night before and they were still semi-drunk. This is acceptable? The only reason they would have know I smoked was because of my bloodshot eyes. But I used eye drops so my eyes weren’t red. That was it. No blank stare like you see on tv. Just use eye drops and no one knows. Why should I hide? Why can alcohol be celebrated and glamorized on tv but I cant smoke a joint? Alcohol kills more than 30,000 people a year. Pot killed zero! Those were just the car accidents. Not the ones who died of other alcohol relations. Some people don’t have a stomach anymore because alcohol burned a hole through it. Nice.

Answer by un4m3d4
People get set in their ways. When something has been pounded into the heads of people for so long, it just becomes fact. The bible can’t be proven by any standard, yet it is regarded as fact by millions of Americans.

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