Why Don’t the Y!a Staff Use Specific Reason When They’re Citing Why You Got Your Answer/question Deleted?

Question by Scott S: Why don’t the y!a staff use specific reason when they’re citing why you got your answer/question deleted?
They always cite “community guidelines and terms of service”, but they’re never specific.

Best answer:

Answer by badhabyt
There are two main reasons.

1. The numbers. To give personal reasons would take a huge staff for all the chatters on YA. Even if they gave the specific answer “chatting violation”, that would not be enough for people who have not read the rules. So unfortunately, the few that need the reason get lost in the numbers game.

2. In some cases they will not for legal reasons. For example, if you recommend a website that has illegal uploaded content, that is against the rules. But Yahoo is not going to put in writing if they think the website has illegal acticvity. They would be sued.

If you want to know the reason for the violation, post “Why was this question (answer) a violation?” and add the original e-mail you got so the users can see the exact context. The experienced users here will explain it to you. There is no statute of limitations on breaking the YA rules.

Answer by Kung Fu Panda
sometimes they do,sometimes they dont

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


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