Why Does My Jaw Keep “cracking”?
Question by Divan: Why does my jaw keep “cracking”?
I have braces which I got 2 years ago and my jaw keeps popping or cracking whenever I move my jaw to the left or sometimes when I open my mouth or chew my food. Why is this happening? It started even before I got braces (which is how and why I got braces in the first place). The dentists said that I should’ve got surgery after removing the braces, but my mom and me decided not to. Why is this happening and what should I do about it? I’m scared something really bad happens and I’m sick of my jaw making “popping” sounds all the time.
Best answer:
Answer by deporis5
Hello,NHS Direct has been set up to answer questions such as this.It is manned by professionals in the medical field,all you have to do is pick up the phone and pay for the cost of the call,you will incur no charge for their professional opinion.They will tell you what the best course of action is.Here is a link to their site,you will find their telephone number in the link :https://www.nhsdirect.nhs.uk/About/Conta…
I hope this information will assist you with your condition,
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