Why Do You Think Certain Kids Get Into Drugs?

Question by ??hmm…??: Why do you think certain kids get into drugs?
We all know that the stereotypical teenage drug addict wasn’t “raised right” or “didn’t know the consequences” but why do you think that some kids who do have good parents, who do get involved in school activities, who do hang out with the “right group”, why do some of these kids get into drugs? what are the reasons behind the kids you would never expect to do such a thing. the kids who knew the consequences, who didn’t have esteem issues, why do you think those kids ended up the way they do?

Best answer:

Answer by Reo
It actually has everything to do with parenting. It doesn’t matter where a child grows up, their economic status or family history, if their parents pay attention to their needs, provide good role models and give their children a solid moral foundation they will have no need to turn to drugs or gangs.

Answer by ~girlfriday~
They’ve spent too much time on YA.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


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