Why Do People Do Crack and What Not?

Question by Nikki: why do people do crack and what not?
I just dont get it cause it’s just flat out disgusting to me.

Best answer:

Answer by ate up
weaklings and followers do drugs
winners don’t

Answer by hatevirtual
Pretty much anything that feels good hurts you. You may think people who do crack are weird. What about people who smoke marijuana? Smoke cigarettes? Drink alcohol?

Ok, those are the vices. But is every decision you make the smartest for you? Do you eat the absolutely healthiest foods every single time you eat? Do you go to the doctor for checkups every other week? Do you stay home to make sure you don’t get in a car accident?

We all take risks and do things that feel good. I have never done crack, but it sounds nearly impossible to quit.

Add your own answer in the comments!


“Ben’s Story” – Kabare – FREE DOWNLOAD LINK: www.zshare.net Become a fan on Facebook: www.facebook.com **ATTENTION** Fictional story inspired by the words of many rap legends mixed with my creative method. *This was not, in any way, made to offend/provoke any listener. I wrote this for two simple reasons: 1. To show people I CAN rap and I DO HAVE a passion for this ART. 2. To show people that I have a versatile style of rap and that I am always experimenting in my technique. Feel free to follow the lyrics below: Lyrics: I once knew this kid named Ben, imagination or something but uh..his life went a lil something like this Woke up in the morn, alarm ringing his tune Bright red on the case, sound Pac or Cube He would pound the long button, either snooze or something But he never really slept cuz the noise in his stomach Kept him up and awake, his whole body would shake He would try to ignore it, eventually lead him to snorting Crack cocaine, the only thing to numb the pain But momma had the habit, so this was bound to happen Papa left long ago, after mamma was pregnant Cussed her out for being dumb, forgetting protection They were drunk and confused, and she was left abused So every fight they ever had always left her all bruised She said Im done with this, the hell with all you do She deserved much better but he just wouldnt let her So momma called the cops, and had him arrested Pops was sent upstate, but she kept on stressing A couple months went by n her stomach grew bigger Neighbors


Ruth Is Heartless, But the World Breaks Everyone

Filed under: snorting crack cocaine

I traveled all over when I left university with a remarkably good degree, considering I had been snorting coke off the back of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight every morning to help me stay awake when revising. …. We are Hunter being led out of the … Read more on Gawker