Why as a Whole Blacks Across the World Are Treated and Live in the Worst Condition? Everyone Is Aware of This.
Question by truthseeker: why as a whole blacks across the world are treated and live in the worst condition? everyone is aware of this.
take a look at africa as a whole, besides the areas controlled by whites, most of africa is not doing so well…there might be a few places, but as a whole africa is not doing so well…you got poverty, poor medical, abnormal hiv percentages, any of the money is nowhere near usd, and in america blacks are treated poorly. the areas with the most poverty and unemployment is the black community…WHY? and let’s not bring up the conditions of the blacks in brazil, cuba, colombia, etc. WHY? somethings got to change…think about it…most nations have their own car companies…i never heard of an african made car…most nations produce some type of electronics…i never heard of any african electronics…but most of the material used in these products come from africa (computer chips, etc.) why are blacks done so wrong across the world? HUMANITY NEEDS IMPROVEMENT!!!!
Best answer:
Answer by Lynn
There are still far too many racists men and women, to start. Plus, blacks have been put at a disadvantage from the start, especially those in Africa. They never had complete control of their land thanks to explorers, and now, centuries later, they’re still trying to repair the wounds they gained.
Answer by Reb Da Rebel
Lets be honest here, to start off with…. african leaders are mostly black and they are the ones screwing their own people. Dont get me wrong, I’m black and have been fortunate enough to have had parents who would’ve sold their souls so I’d have a better chance than they did and I am African, In South Africa to be specific. Lynn is right as well, racism exists to such a great degree that most white folk believe blacks are out to murder them and blacks believe whites hate them and dont want them to succeed, thus breeding poor and illiterate criminals. The governement officilas are squandering the money over useless luxuries whilst people havent access to basic needs like proper sanitaion, medical health and schools. Now you take away schools , black people dont have the means to progress in life. The richest are a handful and BEE/AA is benefiting the elitest who are tied to those in government by either blood or some relation. White man still holds most of the power and because everyone is busy pointing fingers they arent aware of the governemtn screwing them from behind. When things would be so much easier if they all reatliated ans did something together to beat down the government. Sad, but thats the reality…. We’re seen as scum just for being a few shades lighter and some people still wish we were slaves bound in chains. One need only be thankful for those who realise that blacks are also human and even if some do wrong, so does a certain percentage of other non blacks, and we cant be all maimed/judged according to what others do
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Kate Boverman & Ethan Miller’s, RECIPE for COCAINE. – Kate Boverman and Ethan Miller, Recipe for Cocaine, off the Northern Spy Album. Riotfolk Collective The USA’s government deals drugs. They have for a very long time, see Alfred McCoy’s book, “The Politics of Heroin: CIA complicity in the global drug trade” Peace for ALL my relations.