Whats Worse About Illegal Drugs Than Alcohol?

Question by duderino: Whats worse about illegal drugs than alcohol?
There’s so many hypocritical people that are 100% anti-drug, but drink on a frequent basis. Examine all the arguments you use against drugs (I’m not talking about really hard drugs like heroin, crack etc) and realize they can also be applied to alcohol (and cigarettes often as well). Alcohol is a lot more dangerous than many illegal drugs. Fact.

If you don’t drink and don’t approve of drinking I respect that completely. You have all the reason to be against illegal drugs. But if you do drink, even if its just on occasion…you have to admit you are hypocritical.

Please give me well thought out answers and not just “DRUGS KILL YOU THE FIRST TIME YOU TAKE THEM!” or “DRUGS ARE ALWAYS ADDICTIVE”. That just means you’re brainwashed by DARE and other government propaganda. Make rational arguments please.
I do realize drugs aren’t perfectly Ok. I just don’t think alcohol is either. I think both are alright in moderation. Of course there will always be people that overdo both though. My point is just that they should be in the same category. Alcohol could even be classified as a hard drug in my opinion…

Best answer:

Answer by Mega_Nic
I do drink, the only thing worse(difference) here pal is that illegal drugs is illegal and alcohol is legal.

Answer by Tina
Both can kill you. My brother just died this month from being a drug addict and alcoholic. It caused his kidneys to stop working and he had a stroke. He became paralyzed and couldn’t talk. He was on life support for 2 weeks until he had a heart attack and his heart quit beating. My aunt is an alcoholic and so is my dad and it changes you. My other brother and 2 nephews are drug addicts (one was on Americas most wanted) so I have seen what it does to people. My advice stay away from drugs and don’t over do the drinking or it will ruin your life.

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