What Is the Truth About Weed and Pain Relievers?

Question by Cleopatra: What is the truth about weed and pain relievers?
I have a friend who smokes weed often and also takes painkillers (oxycotin) every once in awhile. He has also done worse drugs in the past. This scares me. He tells me he has done his research and that these won’t have any terrible lasting health effects. I feel in my gut that he is wrong… what is the truth? I am really scared for him I care about him alot. I don’t want him to ruin his life… how can I tell him this? He is a smart guy and could go far. He keeps telling me not to worry, but I can’t help it. How do I deal with this?

Best answer:

Answer by Ryan S
eh i wouldnt worry, he sounds like the type to party hard throughout college and then move on after

Answer by Rev. Justin G
the oxycotin will tear him up alive! especially if he “bangs” it…u know w/ a needle….

everyone should smoke pot everyday. its very refreshing and does have medical qualifications……

be scared. ur a good friend then. 🙂 get ur friend to NA meetings (narcotics anonymous) sorry cant really help w/ the coping side of this….never been there before.

good luck my child.

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