What if Any Home Remedies for Acid Reflux Work?

Question by worldtravelsoup: What if any Home Remedies for Acid Reflux work?
My acid reflux has been kicking my butt lately and I am getting tired of taking the “purple crack”.
I have heard that their are home remedies that work and are very inexpensive compared to the over the counter and perscription drugs.
If you have had any success with anything please respond.

Best answer:

Answer by bbgmom95
This may sound crazy, and it might just be my situation, but it worked for me. I have never been actually diagnosed with acid reflux, but the symptoms fit. I was practically eating Tums all the time. I went on a low-carb diet to lose weight. As soon as I cut back on carbs, the reflux was gone. I don’t follow the low-carb diet much anymore, and I can always tell when I’ve had too many carbs. Like I said, it might just be me and my situation, but it’s the carbohydrates that cause my problems.

Answer by mindy
i actually take the little purple pill but my mother is always researching things and says that baking soda water will help. Also I have read that 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar a day will also help. Milk only masks it. I have an irratable esophogus and i can’t eat or drink anything daily without my pills, so good luck to you.

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