What Drugs Can You Smoke That Are Highly Addictive?
Question by Brianna: What drugs can you smoke that are highly addictive?
I overheard a conversation of someone I know say they “maybe smoked too much…” and I know they are very addicted to something that is expensive and lets them “chill out”
So what drug could it be?
Best answer:
Answer by Mk
most likely herion or cocaine
or could be cannabis if they just dont have money it could still be consider expensive for someone else. lmao
Answer by La vie en rose.
Heroin. Weed obviously is smoked and makes you chill but it’s not “highly addictive”. Heroin is smoked on tinfoil and it makes you incredibly chill. A lot of my friends are heroin addicts and I get so angry when they’re high because it’s impossible to have a conversation with them, they’re always falling asleep -.-
Cocaine and crack can be smoked, but trust me, it doesn’t make you chill.
Next time look at their eyes. When your high on heroin your pupils are tiny, like pin pricks. It often gives the impression of an empty look in your eyes. Whereas crack and cocaine dilate your pupils, it’s hard to miss.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
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