What Do You Think of This Plot for Being a Novel/movie? Should It Be Continued?

Question by Nicky Blaze: What do you think of this plot for being a novel/movie? Should it be continued?
I’m 16 and I’m writing a dark and, I’m guessing, intense novel which is centered around a 26 year old celebrity, named Nicole, who goes into her second overdose on drugs (the first was on cocaine) this time it was an hallucinogen. She flat lines and is declared dead for approximately 10 minutes before she come back to life by some miracle.

However, she begins to experience a constantly reoccurring hallucination in the form an evil doppelganger who has a sadistically sinister agenda against her. At first the doppelganger is a cynical being with aggressively violent tendencies that tend to leak through Nicole’s daily life and influence her actions. Along with relationship problems, scandals and Oscar season coming up, Nicole goes into a period of self destructive behavior.

The doppelganger on the other hand feeds off her helplessness and provides a solution to her problem: free the monster from its “cage” (but in order to do so, Nicole must agree).

The catch? One big battle in Nicole’s head to decide the victor. But all goes wrong when a heated argument turned fist fight results in Nicole managing to the headbutt the doppelganger in the mouth. Seeing the tides of the game change, the hallucination becomes a lot more violent revealing that if she didn’t agree to open the already cracked “cage” that it would kill her.

When Nicole doesn’t agree, the doppelganger disappears and becomes dormant for awhile before coming back in full force, trapping Nicole’s mind in an ever changing mindscape, while in reality she is exhibiting psychopathic behavior.

Like most of my stories, they’re written with the idea of the plot being a movie so I tend to put in a lot of visual details. Also the story makes references to my favorite books and movies:

–Like when Nicole in reality starts to act like a psychopath, (she makes a reference to Stephen King’s The Shining).
–Then in Nicole’s mindscape she’s bound to a bed where the doppelganger takes a saw to her legs and cauterizes them with a blowtorch (allusion to Stephen King’s Misery).
–The brief sex scenes that only turn out to be hallucinations (allusion to Darren Aronofsky’s Black Swan).

So what do you guys think? Should I continue with this idea, because it’s also a self-insert story and I’m just curious if this is a bit insane?

Best answer:

Answer by Kylie
It sounds like a book I would definitely read! I think its a good plot!

Answer by Darby
well, if you want honest advice, i stopped reading halfway through, so if that’s any sign of the general public interest, i would abort this particular story, or revise, but never, ever give up due to some harsh critiques, as you are young. This is probably better than most stories Hollywood comes up with nowadays anyway.

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