What Do You Think About the Energy Drink “Cocaine” Being Taken Off of the Market?

Question by shewolf: What do you think about the energy drink “Cocaine” being taken off of the market?
They were quoted as saying that “Opium” perfume should look out, they could be next.
Your right, its NOT being taken off of the market, but seriously, this is really stupid, eh?

Best answer:

Answer by wigandw
i never knew there was such a thing

Answer by julester7171
I think that it was irresponsible of the manufacturer to market the energy drink the way they did. They could have come up with a different analogy with the same effect. Next time they should try an analogy with something that is not illegal.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


Cocaine vs other drugs. – Why I think cocaine is the worst drug, speaking from personal experiances of theft, being forced to take cocaine, watching coke addicts beat up women, witness dealers come after addicts to pay debt in violent ways, waching lives fall completly apart and seeing coke takers alienate practically every friend they have. I also compare coke takers with weed smokers and ex herion addicts, as well as those who take wizz/base/speed