What Are the Drugs That Cause the Highest Amount of Euphoria???

Question by kill j: what are the drugs that cause the highest amount of euphoria???
do NOT say “dont do drugs”. i dont and whenever i mention the subjest people immediately refer to there “facts” to what the media and government paid comercials tell them. i do NOT condone drug use and i dont use drugs. but i am interested in the effects they have on the mind and body.

Best answer:

Answer by byron101540
Hot chile Peppers can give you a legal endorphine rush

Answer by spanner
Probably opiates, such as heroin and opium

Possibly certain types of stimulants such as methedrine, as well as cocaine

Maybe angel dust (a.k.a. PCP or Phencyclidine)

Possibly also hallucinogens such as absinthe, or “The Green Fairy” (Did you see the film ‘Eurotrip’?), as well as LSD and Angel’sTrumpet seeds

I once heard from a pharmacy student that nutmeg in large doses gives hallucinogenic effects and can be quite powerful.

Commonly found substances around the home, legally acquired, you know, all have chemical properties and components.

The world is a walking pharmacy.

I am submitting additional information on Angel Dust:


I would like to add some information.

Have you ever considered the effects of hashish fudge or brownies? I would suggest that you watch the film ‘Eurotrip’ to see what the effects of getting a “bad batch” of hashish fudge might do. However, given the wording of your question and the effect that it had on the people in the film, I am not sure whether a bad batch might really be considered a good batch.

I am taking the time to copy a recipe for hashish fudge.


“Take 1 teaspoon black peppercorns, 1 whole nutmeg, 4 average sticks of cinnamon, 1 teaspoon coriander. These should all be pulverized in a mortar. About a handful each of stoned dates, dried figs, shelled almonds and peanuts: chop these and mix them together. A bunch of CANNABIS SATIVA can be pulverized. This along with the spices should be dusted over the mixed fruit and nuts, kneaded together. About a cup of sugar dissolved in a big pat of butter. Rolled into a cake and cut into pieces or made into balls about the size of a walnut, it should be eaten with care. Two pieces are quite sufficient.”

You say you are interested in the effects they have on the mind and body. My source of information claims that in Morocco it is thought to be good for warding off the common cold in damp winter weather, and is more effective if taken with quantities of hot mint tea. I understand that Moroccan mint tea is a bit different from run of the mill mint tea outside North Africa, so you would have to ask a Moroccan for the recipe. I am sure they would be glad to share it with you.

In a similar line, you might also consider the risks and benefits of consuming health cookies. Health cookies are a good source of essential vitamins, proteins and carbohydrates. Some of the seeds and nuts contained in them are considered as good “brain food”. My experience with health cookies is very limited. The only time I have ever tried one was when I was offered one on the second floor of the Court House. I had been going there as an observer. I took one bite of it and almost immediately my face started to flush and feel hot, and I started to feel rather gritty. I had not had any known allergies, except maybe to artificial Christmas tree needles. I decided that if I continued with the cookie I might either be considered as a “dumb cookie” or else “dead meat”. I therefore abandoned the rest of the cookie somewhere in the Court House as my tokenistic donation to the Justice System.

Hashish can be smoked or inhaled with a hookah pipe.

You say you are very clean, or that you do not do drugs yourself but are interested in the effects that they have on the mind and body. I take it therefore that you are more interested in the effects that they have on the minds and bodies of other people. Does that make you a medical doctor, a pharmacist, a chemist, a Mormon or a Mason?

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