What Are Some Interesting Facts to Impress Crush?
Question by Action Lis: what are some interesting facts to impress crush?
lol 🙂 hes kind of like a nerd lol 🙂 & he finds it interesting when we talk about a fact i pop up when we run out of stuff to say.. lol and i alredy ran out..
any kind of did you know cool fact; maybe some websites?? we basically like science a lot so maybe some sciency dyk facts but it dosent really matter- any :)& dont answer if your not going to answer my question^^
Best answer:
Answer by Steph
lol just be spontaneous and talk about random quirky things that interest you
Answer by obscurant1st
There is a website called coolfacts.in where you can read a lot of facts. One cool fact from the website is “Did you know love affects the brain in somewhat similar to cocaine. Love affects the same area of our brain and a similar manner as cocaine.”
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