What Are Some Arguments About the Dangers of “fame” for Our Culture and American Society?

Question by Chris: What Are some Arguments about the dangers of “fame” for our culture and American society?
What Are some Arguments about the dangers of “fame” for our culture and American society?

Can Someone Give Me Ideas Please and dangers any maybe a good thesis statement for an essay about this question?

Best answer:

Answer by Jamie Fee
You lose privacy. Your history is combed and any indiscretions blown out of proportion.
It is very easy to lose touch with reality. Alot of famous people are molded into the people they are, or coerced into doing/saying things they may not completely agree with simply to further their name/fortune.

Answer by Ali12147
You need to go along the lines of the fact that celebrities are made celebrities by corporations whose main objective is to make money. These corporations do not question the actions or the message of these celebrities who have a large segment of the public following them.

e.g. the rap movement and its insistence on rebelliousness.

Check out these links, they should be of help.



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