smoked crack cocaine

Going Off the Rails

Going off the rails

Filed under: Crack Cocaine Signs

Rob Ford, Toronto's mayor, has finally admitted, after months of denials, that he smoked crack cocaine—before adding the comforting proviso that he only did it in “one of my drunken stupors”. What does … An obvious sign of a boss breaking bad is … Read more on The Economist


Man arrested after shooting, accident

Filed under: Crack Cocaine Signs

Narconon Focuses Attention on the Health Damage of Illicit Drugs With Release

Narconon Focuses Attention on the Health Damage of Illicit Drugs with Release

Filed under: cocain abuse

When a person starts abusing drugs like cocaine, Spice or painkillers, they don't start out by asking about the health risks. And drug dealers don't volunteer the information. Therefore, millions of people risk their health and even their lives by … Read more on Newsday


Cocaine binges more about avoiding lows, study finds

Filed under: cocain abuse

Politicians Wrongly Claiming Expenses 'Worse Than if They Smoked Crack Cocaine

Politicians wrongly claiming expenses 'worse than if they smoked crack cocaine

Filed under: Crack Vs Cocaine

The results go some way to explaining why Toronto Mayor Rob Ford's popularity has exploded since he admitted smoking crack cocaine while in a drunken stupor and suggests the results could be applicable outside London. A limited edition charity … Read more on The Independent


Man Busted with Crack Cocaine Near School: Police

Filed under: Crack Vs Cocaine

'He Could Have Been One of Those Statistics': Edmonton Foster Mother

'He could have been one of those statistics': Edmonton foster mother

Filed under: statistics about cocaine

… but he could have been one of those statistics.” “I picked him up at the hospital at 12 days old – this little bundle that was pretty floppy and had a lot of issues,” she recalled. When the boy was born, he was severely malnourished and addicted to … Read more on


Do we care if people take drugs?

Filed under: statistics about cocaine

Sacramento Gang Member Indicted for Drug Trafficking and Weapons Possession

Sacramento Gang Member Indicted for Drug Trafficking and Weapons Possession

Filed under: Crack Cocaine Federal Sentencing Guidelines

SACRAMENTO, CA—A federal grand jury returned a three-count indictment today against Omar Williams, 40, of Sacramento, charging him with possession with intent to distribute crack cocaine, possession of a firearm in furtherance of a drug trafficking … Read more on 7thSpace Interactive (press release)


Will Obama Pardon This Man (and Many Like Him) or Just a Turkey?

Filed under: Crack Cocaine Federal Sentencing Guidelines

The Incalculable Cost of Mass Incarceration

The incalculable cost of mass incarceration

Filed under: Crack Cocaine Intervention

For Aaron, it involved drugs: He introduced a friend to a cocaine dealer and played a minor role in two drug deals, one of which did not even go through. For that mistake, he will spend the rest of … Alexander Surry was in possession of a single … Read more on Al Jazeera America


Djpo1nt reviews:Tactical intervention – Watch the whole video for a news part of the video! Hello again, Its that time again wasting your time to watch a review of a F2P shooter that you probably n…

Is Rob Ford Addicted to Power?

Is Rob Ford Addicted to Power?

Filed under: Symptoms Crack Cocaine Addiction

… have strong drug-like effects,” Robertson says, “and they can produce the distortions in behavior that mind altering drugs do.” According to Robertson's research, even those of us with the most moderate of appetites for power can fall prey to power … Read more on Motherboard (blog)


How Rob Ford might keep his job

Filed under: Symptoms Crack Cocaine Addiction

Was He Worth Giving a Chance ?

Question by sweetc: Was he worth giving a chance ?
I met this guy a month ago at my son’s favorite park…He was tall dark and handsome , got sucked right in…He has the most beautiful daughter in the world and our children became instant friends….Well our first date was taking the kids out together ,then the second date was him taking me to some small dive for some drinks I was not impressed but made the most of it with too much alcohol…We injured each other and had an amazing time ,best time I had in years but he seems a little too immature…kkkkk anyway to make a long story short I deciced to dump him after a month for these reasons… 1.I stopped by at 9:30 in the evening to say hi for like 5 min ,he said give me a call when you get home,let me know you’re safe…Shouldn’t he have walked my son and I to the bus stop at the least…no he wanted to continue drinking with his friend.. 2.He made fun of my bookmarks on my computer :drug addiction, single woman moving on 3 ..He kept on calling me pysco 4. He made a joke about my son needing a sign because ” Stupid people need signs” (Jeff foxworthy) 5. the breaker was when I called him and he was drunk and he just got rude with me,repeating him self over and over not letting me get a word in..6 k no this is the deal breaker. called him on a Thursday night to find out he got off work early, and him and his friend were three sheets to the wind…No phone call,hey how are you babe no nothing….nope he wanted to have some beers with the friend…I felt forgotten about considering I did miss him…but felt like he didn’t miss me….Am I being too picky here …I mean he really is a nice guy but kind of aloof , insulting , condisending , but am I making excuses here when saying every one has their own personality traits and maybe the chivalry will come with time or maybe the drinking will slow down since he’s not single any more or maybe he will consider my feeling towards making cracks at my kid…I don’t know…Too picky?????
K this one answer I got is just right…plain right…you are supposed to be on your best behaviour….I just have a warped idea of what kind of guy I deserve….My son deserves a lot better then that , thats for damn sure….I have been single for going on four years now …I think I was just hoping I found some one great for my son and I…Some one to give us hope that we could have a wonderful extended family…But that dude was way too immature for that …Maybe he’ll take my advice and have more respect for the next girl and especially for her child…… I read the question and feel like a tool for even asking it……thanx roxy

SPECIAL REPORT: Do You Know Molly?

SPECIAL REPORT: Do You Know Molly?

Filed under: Information About Crack Cocaine

But the question isn't who is Molly, it's what is Molly? "Molly is short … Even though it's marketed as pure MDMA, better known as the drug ecstasy, Molly could be filled with any number of dangerous addictive substances like cocaine, meth, or … Read more on WILX-TV


Ten years for Liverpool drug dealer who flooded streets with heroin and cocaine

Filed under: Information About Crack Cocaine

Republican US Congressman Trey Radel Faces Cocaine Charge

Republican US congressman Trey Radel faces cocaine charge

Filed under: crack cocaine signs

Last week Toronto mayor Rob Ford received formal notice Wednesday that the majority of his council colleagues want him to take a leave of absence in light of his admissions of crack cocaine use. The scandalous politician however has given no sign at … Read more on Standart News


Pipe Dreams: 11 Celebrities Who Smoked Crack Cocaine, Allegedly

Filed under: crack cocaine signs