Signs And Symptoms

After Rehab, Newark 24-Year-Old Thankful for Every Day

After rehab, Newark 24-year-old thankful for every day

Filed under: crack addiction signs

As those years of drug addiction disappear from the rearview mirror of her life, she has found the peace that comes from having a healthy self-esteem and finally feeling comfortable in her own skin. “I'm a firm believer in recovery getting me to the … Read more on The News Journal


Signs and symptoms of crack addiction – Signs and symptoms of crack addiction | Addiction Blog Do you think you or someone you l…


Does Sugar Addiction Exist?

Does sugar addiction exist? – Sugar Addiction, does it exist? Can sugar really be as addictive as cocaine? As it turns out the answer is yes. Requiem Adipem talks about sugar addiction an…


Dealing with Addictions Around Thanksgiving & the Holidays

Filed under: signs and symptoms of drug abuse

Identify your stressors and your inner struggles.Your first step should be to identify your stressors. Alcohol and drug abuse is common among individuals who struggle with depression or tension. The National Institute on Drug Abuse reports that almost … Read more on (blog)

Is Toronto Turning Into the Town From the Simpsons?

Is Toronto Turning Into the Town From The Simpsons?

Filed under: Signs And Symptoms Of Crack Cocaine Use

… a common thug, plain and simple. I didn't vote for him, and I'm disappointed with how things have transpired at City Hall since he was elected: the drugs, the booze, the stupid publicity stunts, the policy agenda, the whole shebang folks. Nevermind … Read more on Huffington Post Canada


Boeing Deals Fly High in Dubai, and 4 More Things You'll Want to Know Today

Filed under: Signs And Symptoms Of Crack Cocaine Use

November 7, 2013 Community Happenings

November 7, 2013 Community Happenings

Filed under: meth addict signs

Presentations include: progress of the working groups; and the effects of meth, signs and symptoms of use and potential course of action for treatment by Eileen Gallagher, BA multicultural counseling, MA mental health counseling, certified addictions … Read more on Sitka Daily Sentinel


For the criminal artist, sometimes it's the method; sometimes it's the meth

Filed under: meth addict signs

Milsom will not be able to paint while incarcerated, unless he signs up for prison art classes. A spokeswoman for Cessnock … His is a unique tale of depression, artistic brilliance, and drug addiction combining to tragic effect. Milsom's case … Read more on Quartz

Poulsbo Police Turn to Social Media to Fight Town's Heroin Problem

Poulsbo police turn to social media to fight town's heroin problem

Filed under: drug abuse signs and symptoms

Others say they're shocked at how common place heroin has become. Andrea Rowe, who … Deputy Chief Wright says they're patrolling the city's parks more often, but they say there's no clearly proven plan to completely curtail drug use. Recent budget … Read more on KOMO News


Unrecognized and common eating disorders in young men

Filed under: drug abuse signs and symptoms

Don’t Know What to Do, My Mother in Law Actually Is Having a Psychotic Break.?

Question by Koko K: Don’t know what to do, my mother in law actually is having a psychotic break.?
So here is the scoop, my fiance and I live with his grandparents to help take care of them. He grandmother has Alzheimers.His mother moved back from New Hampshire a couple years ago to help out. (We’re in CA).

When she moved out here, she decided to see the same psychiatrist that my fiance sees. He has ADD and takes Adderall for it. The Dr. put her on the same meds. At first things were OK, put then it seems that her mental state has really been debatable. It has really gotten a lot worse in the past couple weeks. Let me run down some things she has done in the couple weeks,

How Do You Deal With a Seriously Bi-Polar Loved One When He/she Is in Denial?

Question by Nani: How do you deal with a seriously Bi-Polar loved one when he/she is in denial?
Recently, I noticed a pattern in a loved one’s behaviour. It was an eye-opening experience, because she had all the classic symptoms of being Bi-Polar and then some. During her manic swings she is the most positive and loving person on earth, and generous to a fault. During her ‘depressive’ moods she’s like a pit-viper, angry, sullen, and ready to seriously maim the heart and spirit with cruel criticism, insults, and ridicule…even in front of other people. I’ve witnessed her vascillating between the two modes several times in one day. Yet, when I mention that she might get some medical help, she vehemently counters that there is nothing wrong with her, it’s just her. I worry about what this is doing to her physically as well as mentally. Any tricks for coping, other than just running away and hiding until the ‘bombing’ stops? I’ve already tried leaving informational brochures around for her to find. It makes her mad. She won’t even allow a discussion.

HEALTHline: Addiction & GAADS – Part 1

HEALTHline: Addiction & GAADS – Part 1 – HEALTHline welcomes back guest, Scott Robertson, the director at GAADS (Glendale Adventist Alcohol and Drug Services) to discuss the signs and symptoms of ad…


Head Start Student Brings Eight Baggies and $173 to School

Head Start student brings eight baggies and 3 to school

Filed under: What Are The Signs And Symptoms Of Crack Cocaine Use

That was enough for school officials to alert police, acquiesce to K-9 sweep of the child's Head Start classroom, and send the child himself to a hospital to make sure he had not ingested what he had been carrying: what appeared to be crack cocaine … Read more on


Akron bath salts seller sentenced to four years in prison

Filed under: What Are The Signs And Symptoms Of Crack Cocaine Use

Drug Cartels Thrive on Ultimate Consumers: Addicts

Drug Cartels Thrive on Ultimate Consumers: Addicts

Filed under: signs and symptoms of meth users

… up and down the West Coast. When you travel by freeway, you're driving a Silk Road of sorts for heroin, meth and cocaine. Radio news logo … Heavy-duty prescription painkillers have something in common with heroin. They're both a type of drug … Read more on KPBS


Boehner wants an immigration bill, says White House official

Filed under: signs and symptoms of meth users