Side Affects

Psychedelics Not Linked to Lasting Mental Health Issues, Scientists Say

Psychedelics Not Linked To Lasting Mental Health Issues, Scientists Say

Filed under: cocaine side affects

"[B]etter initial mental health among people who use psychedelics, or chance 'false positive' findings," may be factors, but the associations may also show the beneficial effects of such use. LSD, for example, recently has been tested as a treatment … Read more on Huffington Post


Federal Drug Agency Denies Marijuana Is Less Toxic Than Alcohol

Filed under: cocaine side affects

EDITORIAL: Crack Down on Illegal Dumping

EDITORIAL: Crack down on illegal dumping

Filed under: what are the side affects of meth

One of the more hazardous castoffs these days is residue from methamphetamine labs. It's a drain on the local economy and the taxpayer, too. The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation … The market is no doubt affected by New Jersey's tough … Read more on


US Court Of Appeals: Genital Searches Of Guantanamo Inmates Can Continue

Filed under: what are the side affects of meth

Why Do Some Prescription Drugs Have Some Really Adverse Effects on People?

Question by Sky: Why do some prescription drugs have some really adverse effects on people?
I just came out of kidney surgery yesterday for stones–twice this year alone–and the drugs I’m on have made me really jumpy, nervous, wiped out, and just too energetic for my tastes.

Why am I feeling like this? Is it because I don’t have the same tolerance to meds as some people do, or is it because I lack that “addiction” factor that sometimes pops up with blatant drug abuse?


(Yes, they put a stent in me.)

Best answer:

How the "Cocaine of the Poor" Is Spreading Across Crisis-Ridden Greece

How The "Cocaine Of The Poor" Is Spreading Across Crisis-Ridden Greece

Filed under: cocaine side affects

How The "Cocaine Of The Poor" Is Spreading Across Crisis-Ridden Greece. Known as sisa, this Greek methamphetamine-based concoction is spreading across the streets of Athens — the latest sign of the side effects of the economic crisis plaguing Greece. Read more on Worldcrunch


Designers Drugs On The Rise As 'Traditional' Drugs Decline; UN Warns

Filed under: cocaine side affects

Rising From the Ashes

Rising from the ashes

Filed under: what are the side affects of meth

For example, when someone who has just stopped using meth continues to smoke, health care providers often view it as the lesser of two evils. Plymouth Housing Group, which provides permanent housing and support to the chronically homeless, employs a … Read more on Real Change News


Joe Scarborough, Al Sharpton battle over voting rights court decision [VIDEO]

Filed under: what are the side affects of meth

I Use to Pop Ecstasy a Lot About 4 Months Ago.?

Question by cindy: I use to pop ecstasy a lot about 4 months ago.?
And I’m curious if anyone can relate. So, I would pop all the time through out the summer, no problems with it… always having fun. Until I went to a party and people were telling me that I would smell. I never noticed it, but when I would come home I would ask my mom and she would tell me I didn’t smell.

Another time I did a couple lines of “crys meth” and I was in a small room and I started to smell something and I kept asking people if that was me or not. And again no one said I smelled.

Are Antihistamines Drugs Like Marijuana?

Question by Julie: Are antihistamines drugs like marijuana?
I read in an article that they were, and I have allergies so I take antihistamines often. Should I be worried about side effects when I take things like benadryl?

Best answer:

Answer by Lisa 🙂
wtf, no they’re not.

Answer by Gina
As wikipedia says, “A drug, broadly speaking, is any substance that, when absorbed into the body of a living organism, alters normal bodily function. There is no single, precise definition, as there are different meanings in drug control law, government regulations, medicine, and colloquial usage”. So, yes, Benadryl is a drug, but not in the same way that marijuana or cocaine is.

Addiction Injection: The Mission to Immunise Drug Users Against Dependency

Addiction injection: the mission to immunise drug users against dependency

Filed under: meth side affects

On an average day, you will see him striding round the lab with a steel pointer, looking over the shoulders of graduate students and postdoctoral students who are concocting heroin, meth or cocaine vaccines in bubbling glass flasks. "Sometimes I'm … Read more on


Kids help create "Knock Out Meth" mural

Filed under: meth side affects

Side Affects of Crack

Side affects of crack – This video was uploaded from an Android phone.


Deconstructing Tony: Abbott and the Manufacture of Authenticity

Deconstructing Tony: Abbott and the manufacture of authenticity

Filed under: affects of crack

How does a surplus in a slowing economy while simultaneously reducing govt income and increasing govt expenditure occur and how does it effect the economy? What are his IR policies, why should ….. Watch Tony + his party 'on the floor'. He appears … Read more on Crikey


Side affects of crack#2 – This video was uploaded from an Android phone.


Will States Lead the Way to Legalizing Marijuana Nationwide?

Filed under: affects of crack


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