prescription drug

Alcohol Awareness Month: Alcohol Is the Deadliest Drug for Teens

Alcohol Awareness Month: Alcohol is the deadliest drug for teens

Filed under: what is drug abuse and its effects

In a recent national survey of parents and teens by the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University, 33 percent of teen partygoers have been to parties where teens were drinking alcohol, smoking pot, or using cocaine … Read more on Journal Times


Penn Medicine points to new ways to prevent relapse in cocaine-addicted patients

Filed under: what is drug abuse and its effects

Painkillers Abuse and Addiction Fuelled by Free Drugs From Family, Friends: US

Painkillers abuse and addiction fuelled by free drugs from family, friends: US

Filed under: drug abuse and addiction

CHICAGO — Most people who abuse addictive prescription painkillers get them for free from friends or relatives, while drug dealers are a relatively uncommon source for those at highest risk for deadly overdoses, a U.S. government study has found. Read more on National Post


Prescription Drug Abuse & Overcoming Addiction, Shands Vista Florida Recovery Center – Prescription Drug Abuse & Overcoming Addiction, Shands Vista Florida Recovery Center – Overcoming Prescription Drug Abuse – We can help you discover the …

'Marijuana Smoking Style' Has Largest Impact on Addiction Risk

'Marijuana Smoking Style' Has Largest Impact On Addiction Risk

Filed under: marijuana abuse

"No drug use is without risk," lead author Peggy van der Pol, a doctoral candidate at the Trimbos Institute of the Netherlands Institute of Mental Health and Addiction, told Reuters. "When using stronger cannabis you will likely take in more THC than … Read more on Headlines & Global News


Marijuana Use Rising Among Young Adults – The 2010 National Survey on Drug Use & Health shows a slight increase in the overall illicit drug use rates, but officials remain concerned about the prescri…

Seven Decades of Life in Little Havana Unfold in 'Paradise Motel'

Seven decades of life in Little Havana unfold in 'Paradise Motel'

Filed under: addicted to crack cocaine

The raging winds of Hurricane Andrew thunder outside the room in 1992 when Alberto (Quiroga, here charismatic, menacing and oh-so-memorable) and Otto (Garranchan) share coke, crack, misogynistic rants and more. In 2000, meth-addicted prostitutes … Read more on


Lamar Odom Missing: NBA Star Reportedly Dealing With Drug Addiction – Lamar Odom and his wife, Khloe Kardashian, have allegedly been hiding his addiction for two years.


Prescription drug abuse on the rise

Public Records: Chillicothe Municipal Court

Public records: Chillicothe Municipal Court

Filed under: substance abuse counselor

Permitting drug abuse — Nicholas Morgan, 28, of 547 Orange St., guilty, fined $ 200 and court costs, sentenced to two-year probation and 29 days in Ross County Jail, ordered to complete alcohol and substance abuse counseling, driver's license suspended … Read more on Chillicothe Gazette


Indy Counselor Cites Rising Drug Abuse Among Seniors

Filed under: substance abuse counselor

Substance abuse currently affects about 17 percent of the senior population and by 2020, that figure is expected to double. Scott Watson of Heartland Intervention says alcohol and prescription drug abuse are the most prominent form of drug abuse in … Read more on 93.1 WIBC Indianapolis

The Ripple Effect of Heroin in New Hamphire

The Ripple Effect Of Heroin In New Hamphire

Filed under: effects of cocaine usage

According to the Federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, heroin use has doubled amongst people 12 and older between 2007 and 2012. Quinn says the increase …. Prescription drugs have surpassed cocaine. So – and these are … Read more on WWNO


Massachusetts declares heroin emergency, looks to anti-overdose drug

Filed under: effects of cocaine usage

Prescription Drug Abuse State, Local, National Problem

Prescription drug abuse state, local, national problem

Filed under: why is drug abuse a problem

Prescription drug abuse is a nationwide problem affecting thousands of families across the country. No where in the nation is it more of a problem than in Oklahoma. Oklahoma Bureau of Narcotics Spokesman Mark Woodward said that according to the … Read more on Miami News Record


Marin parents who lost children to prescription drug abuse join new task force

Filed under: why is drug abuse a problem

Ruling Offers Hope to Some Imprisoned as Youths

Ruling offers hope to some imprisoned as youths

Filed under: Crack Cocaine Information For Teens

"I've got the most information and the best view of what happened and of the defendant's background." Neville retired … More than two-thirds committed their crimes during the 1990s in the wake of the crack cocaine epidemic and at a time when Chicago … Read more on Chicago Tribune


Mississippi Mom Faces Murder Charge For Stillborn Baby Because She Did

Filed under: Crack Cocaine Information For Teens

To Prevent Prescription Drug Abuse, Involve the School and Family

To Prevent Prescription Drug Abuse, Involve the School and Family

Filed under: how is cocaine abuse

Prescription drug abuse is on the rise – what can we do to prevent this problem? Image by Dodgerton Skillhause. The illegal use of prescription drugs is on the rise, but efforts to stop prescription drug abuse through legislation and policing have … Read more on Decoded Science


This Is Your Brain On Cocaine: Dopamine Buildup Excites Brain's Reward

Filed under: how is cocaine abuse

Homicidal, Psychotic and Legally Sold a Gun: Bloomberg Opinion

Homicidal, psychotic and legally sold a gun: Bloomberg opinion

Filed under: chronic drug abuse

Oh, and with a drug and alcohol problem. You are … Having observed her daughter's agitation, Delana said she called Odessa Gun & Pawn on June 25, and alerted an employee to her daughter's chronic mental illness and current suicidal state. She asked … Read more on The Oregonian


The 10 types of ER patients

Filed under: chronic drug abuse