pregnant women

Pregnant Women With Severe Morning Sickness Who Take Antihistamines Are

Pregnant women with severe morning sickness who take antihistamines are

Filed under: crack addiction symptoms

Its cause is unknown and the symptoms are intense — the continuous nausea and vomiting can be so violent that women in the study reported suffering from detached retinas, blown eardrums, cracked ribs and torn esophagi, Fejzo said. The symptoms can … Read more on Science Daily (press release)


What Do You Think About Methadone as a Treatment for Heroin Addiction?

Question by Christina: What do you think about methadone as a treatment for heroin addiction?
Alot of people look down on iy, bu its been proved to work better than the 12 step groups and the like. If you agree its good why? If you don’t why?

Best answer:

Answer by Sick of Butt-Hurt People
“bu its been proved to work better than the 12 step groups and the like.”

Please provide evidence for this assumption.

How Much Can Drugs Harm a Baby During the First Month of Pregnancy?

Question by satankitty: How much can drugs harm a baby during the first month of pregnancy?
I found out I was pregnant 2 days ago. In the past few weeks I have taken 1 (possibly 2) ecxtasy pills, drank beer, smoked ciggarettes on a daily basis, and smoked one joint of marijuana. I’m thinking of keeping the baby, so I’m not going to do those things anymore. I’m just wondering if anyone can tell me the chances of the baby comming out deformed or retarted? Thank you.

Best answer:

Young Women 'Pushed Into Prostitution by Welfare Reforms' – Warning

Young women 'pushed into prostitution by welfare reforms' – warning

Filed under: crack addictions

Amanda Davies, of Newport-based Seren Group, said an increasing number of young women are already turning up at its hostels hooked on drugs such as crack cocaine and mephedrone. She said many of these young women … of pregnant women using its … Read more on WalesOnline


Louis Farrakhan on Scooby Doo! – tomorrowpictures.TV is pleased to present the most cutting-edge talk show on the internet: DOLLS WITH ISSUES. Host Jerome X interviews Louis Farrakhan regard…


Teen Joins Alabama Drug Abuse Task Force

Teen joins Alabama Drug Abuse Task Force

Filed under: news about drug abuse

Hillman explains, "I'm sick of seeing my classmates having to go through that struggle of drug abuse and how it affects them." Hillman's job is to help the state better understand what is happening in the average high school. While the major drugs … Read more on CBS42


Ethnic Drug Abuse in Hong Kong – Hong Kong authorities have been battling a surge in the use of illegal drugs by young people, but officials are paying little if any attention to substance abuse among ethnic minorities.

INSIDE ADDICTION: Inside Interventions 1

INSIDE ADDICTION: Inside Interventions 1 – Episode 1 Pt 1 with Dean Hale and Ken Seeley from A&E’s Intervention


RhRealityCheck Pregnancy Study Fails to Deliver

Filed under: drug abuse intervention

On Tuesday, the website hosted a conference call to announce the release of a new study entitled “Arrests of and Forced Interventions on Pregnant Women in the United States, 1973–2005: Implications for Women's Legal Status and Public … Read more on National Review Online (blog)


Health committee debates bill to regulate pain prescriptions, deal with addictions