mental illness

Lamar Odom's Dad — My Son DOESN'T Have a Drug Problem

Lamar Odom's Dad — My Son DOESN'T Have a Drug Problem

Filed under: drug abuse news

Joe Odom just told us he simply doesn't buy the story TMZ broke … that Lamar is deep in the world of drug abuse and specifically crack. A regretful Joe says he's sorry he lashed out at the Kardashians, reportedly saying Lamar would be better off … Read more on


LIVE: PTSD COMMUNITY / ALLBLACKCLOTHES.COM – A Live Mental Health Support Community. An Open Forum About Mental Illness, Well-being, Symptoms & Support. Join your Community. C…

Inpatient Drug Rehab Dallas (855) YES-REHAB

Inpatient Drug Rehab Dallas (855) YES-REHAB – Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem …


First US inpatient treatment center for Internet addiction opening

Filed under: inpatient drug rehab

BRADFORD, Pa. — High above the frozen Potomac River in the nation's capitol, Ryan Van Cleave stood on the Arlington Memorial Bridge, contemplating his life. It was New Year's Eve 2007, and the married father of two asked himself, “Is this really … Read more on

Why Do Bad Things for Our Bodies Feel Good?

Question by Young grasshopper: Why do bad things for our bodies feel good?
I mean like alcohol, drugs, chocolate, cutting.. I mean obviously someone cutting is in immense pain but it feels better to cut, at least for a while because chemicals are released ..

I mean from a philosophical, or biological point ofview, I find it ironic that it feels good to destroy ourselves.

Best answer:

Answer by Amy
there is always pleasure attached to pain. Cant have one without the other. If ur into the hard core religious view, its because all sin is tempting and alluring, or else we wouldnt be compelled to it.

Mental and Substance Use Disorders Collectively Cause More Disability

Mental and substance use disorders collectively cause more disability

Filed under: substance abuse disorder

A study in The Lancet, published today, estimated that mental and substance use disorders accounted for about 23 per cent of years lived with a disability worldwide, just ahead of musculoskeletal disorders, including back pain and arthritis (21 per cent). Read more on Courier Mail


Watch Blackhead Extractions Up Close – Therapy for Dermatillomania Disorder 103AC – This is Dermatillomania Disorder Blackhead Extraction Video Therapy video #103AC. In this session we extract sebum from the pores on the face, nose and foreh…

Methadone Abuse, Please Help.?

Question by Krista: Methadone Abuse, Please Help.?
My mother has been on Methadone for some time now. Every time I am around her, I notice she “Nods Off”. She can be doing something as simple as texting someone, and literally nod off and drop her phone. Is this a sign she may be “abusing” the drug? I’ve read if the dosage is to high, or she is taking something else with the methadone, this can occur. Please help!!

Best answer:

Why Do People Here Suggest Counseling for Every Little Problem?

Question by Secret Agent: Why do people here suggest counseling for every little problem?
I’m not talking about mental illnesses, but things we could solve ourselves if we actually tried. Like someone who lacks confidence, or has an addiction, or doesn’t have many friends because they are shy. Has anyone else noticed how a lot these issues are almost labeled as medical conditions and the advice people give is: “seek professional help”
Whatever happened to thinking about your problem and coming up with a solution?

Best answer:

Answer by Kaylee
Because people are money hungry.

Which Is the Effect of Dopamine on the Nervous System?

Question by : Which is the effect of dopamine on the nervous system?
A creates pain feelings
B creates pleasure feelings
C jump starts the nervous system
Which is the most common response of a physiologically addicted person who stops drinking alcohol?

A euphoric symptoms
B hyperactive behavior
C normal behaviors
D withdrawal symptoms

Which would be the effect of a malfunctioning neurotransmitter?

A impulse would be stopped in the brain.
B impulse would be stopped in the spinal column
C impulse could not cross gap between neurons.
D impulse could get you in trouble

Jennifer Aniston Shocker!

Jennifer Aniston shocker!

Filed under: Physical Symptoms Of Crack Cocaine Use

… news isn't all good! The struggling starlet was under observation all day yesterday, and docs allegedly already determined that she's suffering from a SEVERE mental illness “with schizophrenic tendencies”!!! Oh no! … At one point, she allegedly … Read more on Fair Lady (blog)


Photo: Contributed –

Filed under: Physical Symptoms Of Crack Cocaine Use

Mental Illness: The Theme Song of a Tragic Club

Mental illness: The theme song of a tragic club

Filed under: withdrawal from crack cocaine

The dark truth of the relationship was that it, was built, according to Winehouse, completely around drugs, and Fielder-Civil has confessed to introducing her to heroin and crack cocaine. But why did Winehouse confess to taking “the wrong man as … Read more on Dubbo Photo News | Dubbo Weekender


Addiction often misunderstood and difficult to overcome

Filed under: withdrawal from crack cocaine

Are Service Members Abusing Synthetic Drugs?

Are Service Members Abusing Synthetic Drugs?

Filed under: treatment for marijuana addiction

"Spice" mimics the effects of marijuana. While "bath … National Geographic reached out to the U.S. Marine Corps for comment on synthetic drug use in the corps and the treatment of addiction, and the producers were told they could not meet their deadline. Read more on KMBZ


Removing Stigmas

Filed under: treatment for marijuana addiction

Mental illness and addiction are common in the Mid-South and the rest of the nation, but about 60 percent of Americans don't receive treatment. Kyrstan Anderson, director of mental health provider La Paloma Outpatient Services in East Memphis, says … Read more on Memphis Daily News