mental health services

What Kind of Drugs Other Then Alcohol Did Glenn Beck Do Before He Got Clean?

Question by Adviser Moppet: What kind of drugs other then alcohol did Glenn Beck do before he got clean?
I know he was an alcoholic but every time I try to look up what other drug/s he did every piece of info just says “drug addiction”. NOTE: I’m not looking for a liberal vs conservative bash-fest I just want to know.

Best answer:

Answer by Third of Five
Im not sure, but many people consider alcohol a legal drug, and when you abuse it well that would be drug abuse. Maybe thats what he means.

What Comes to Mind When You Think of a “Drug Addict”?

Question by candigal: What comes to mind when you think of a “drug addict”?
Are “drug addicts ” bad people? Is drug use a choice? What is the eccomomic status of most people who use drug? What are some of the names people have for drug addicts? Do you think treatment works? How are “addicts” different then “non-addicts”? This is for an essay I am writing. Thanks for your help. Also do you think that there is a certain eithnic group that has a higher rate of substance abuse?

Best answer:

AOD 101 Pt1

AOD 101 Pt1 – Part 1 of a 3-part Alcohol and other Drug Addiction 101 training that was specifically developed by the Alcohol, Drug Addiction and Mental Health Services (A…


Riverton mayor wants beer tax raised to 28 cents

Filed under: information on alcohol

Riverton Mayor Ron Warpness wants state lawmakers to increase the beer tax — unchanged since 1935 — from 2 cents to 28 cents a gallon and use the extra money to address problems created by alcohol abuse. … Information from: The (Riverton, Wyo.) … Read more on Charlotte Observer

Midwest City Police Work to Tackle Mental Illness, Substance Abuse

Midwest City police work to tackle mental illness, substance abuse

Filed under: drug abuse and health problems

“I think I see more compassionate police officers now, police officers who are more understanding, police officers that know what mental health issues and substance abuse does to people's lives … We all know somebody in our family who has suffered … Read more on


HHS Announces Affordable Care Act Mental Health Services Funding

Filed under: drug abuse and health problems

Drug and Alcohol Treatment Facility to Kick-Off Monthly Family Night Event in

Drug and Alcohol Treatment Facility to Kick-off Monthly Family Night Event in

Filed under: substance abuse services

Cornerstone Recovery Center is proud to announce the first monthly Family Night event at its drug rehab facility in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. The two-hour event will be hosted at Cornerstone's treatment center from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm on Friday … Read more on PR Web (press release)


Calvert Substance Abuse Services Receive Tribute & Discount Cards By Charles Myrick of ACRRX – – As millions of Americans strive to deal with the economic downturn,loss of jobs,foreclosures,high cost of gas,and the rising cost of pr…

In Heroin's Grip: Overdose Deaths Expose Torrington's Struggle With Addition

In heroin's grip: Overdose deaths expose Torrington's struggle with addition

Filed under: Crack Cocaine Symptoms Of Abuse

In a 2012 survey on drug use in the U.S. by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 669,000 respondents said they use heroin, up from 620,000 in 2011 and 373,000 in 2007. The report, issued in … Providing better access to drug … Read more on New Haven Register


Criminalizing pregnant women

Filed under: Crack Cocaine Symptoms Of Abuse

Billie Joe Armstrong, Norah Jones & the Darkest Corners of Country

Billie Joe Armstrong, Norah Jones & the Darkest Corners of Country

Filed under: teenage drug abuse facts

… with barely any perceptible feather loss (save for his controversial onstage meltdown last year at Las Vegas' iHeartRadio Music Festival, and subsequent treatment for alcohol and prescription-drug abuse, which he openly addressed in a mea culpa … Read more on Paste Magazine


Mojo – November 2013

Filed under: teenage drug abuse facts

Final Animation – Teenage Alcohol Abuse UK

Final Animation – Teenage Alcohol Abuse UK – After rendering this movie out over 15 times this is what I have come to as my final movie, although it could be improved , but then again nothing is ever fi…


'I was drinking but didn't deserve to be RAPED'

Filed under: teenage alcohol abuse

They drove for a while and when we arrived at Sam's house, we went out the back, put some music on and started drinking. I had about three drinks by the time … "James stole my innocence and my teenage years. I never deserved any of that to happen to … Read more on Malaysia Chronicle

For Our Readers

For Our Readers

Filed under: Crack Cocaine Addicts Before And After

The local community council had raised concerns about the betting shop having fixed odds betting terminals – described as the crack cocaine of gambling. The touch-screen machines allow punters to bet up to £100 every 20 seconds on roulette, poker and … Read more on Scottish Daily Record


Qld premier admits bikie threats

Filed under: Crack Cocaine Addicts Before And After

Specialized Online Treatment Programs for Military Service Members

Specialized Online Treatment Programs for Military Service Members

Filed under: drug abuse rehabilitation

According to the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs, there are 18 to 22 suicides per day amongst war veterans and 1 suicide per day amongst active duty service members. 2 out of 3 Operation Desert Storm war veterans have died from substance abuse … Read more on Virtual-Strategy Magazine (press release)


Alcohol and Drug Treatment Centers | Drug Rehab San Antonio – Alcohol and Drug Treatment Centers’s rehabilitation program includes detox, counseling, aftercare services, and more for dr…