Hershey 3-Year-Old's Condition Makes a Case for Medical Marijuana: Editorial
Hershey 3-year-old's condition makes a case for medical marijuana: Editorial
Filed under: types of drug abuse
If Pennsylvania legislators would heed the plight of 3-year-old Hershey resident Garrett Brann, they would agree to take a more rational approach toward the medical use of marijuana. Garrett has Dravet Syndrome, … His family has tried roughly 10 … Read more on PennLive.com
Toronto's crack-smoking Mayor Rob Ford slams Obamacare as 'crazy'
Filed under: types of drug abuse
Republican US Congressman Trey Radel Faces Cocaine Charge
Republican US congressman Trey Radel faces cocaine charge
Filed under: crack cocaine signs
Last week Toronto mayor Rob Ford received formal notice Wednesday that the majority of his council colleagues want him to take a leave of absence in light of his admissions of crack cocaine use. The scandalous politician however has given no sign at … Read more on Standart News
Pipe Dreams: 11 Celebrities Who Smoked Crack Cocaine, Allegedly
Filed under: crack cocaine signs
As an Addiction Therapist, I Think Rob Ford Needs Help
As an Addiction Therapist, I Think Rob Ford Needs Help
Filed under: help for cocaine addiction
There is a great deal of disparity when it comes to defining addiction. But the general theme if you look at all the different definitions is that it is a behaviour that is continued, despite negative consequences. He has yet to acknowledge his crack … Read more on Huffington Post Canada
Rep. Radel takes leave of absence after cocaine charge
Filed under: help for cocaine addiction
For Our Feathered Friends: Homemade Suet and Backyard Winterizing
For Our Feathered Friends: Homemade Suet and Backyard Winterizing
Filed under: ingredients for crack cocaine
Suet comes in little hard cakes and contains animal fat, seeds, nuts, grains and dried fruits. Though you can buy it just about anywhere, it is surprisingly simple and economical to make, especially if your family is doing any hunting this fall and you … Read more on Indian Country Today Media Network
Bolivia's New Coca Study Drops Estimate
Filed under: ingredients for crack cocaine
Crack Addiction Treatment
Crack addiction treatment – http://drug.addictionblog.org/how-to-treat-crack-addiction/ Crack addiction treatment l Addiction Blog There are three main stages of crack addiction treatment. First, crack dependent users…
Beyond The Caricature: 5 Things To Know About Mayor Rob Ford
Filed under: how to treat crack addiction
Toronto Mayor Rob Ford was thrust into the international spotlight after he admitted to smoking crack. Since then, a caricature of the politician has emerged: a bumbling, error-prone addict, whose everyman persona has helped him maintain his popularity … Read more on WSHU
When the Punishment Is the Crime
When the punishment is the crime
Filed under: crack cocaine prices
The difference between the discounted price and the list price was the difference between a misdemeanor punishable by no more than six months in jail and a felony that triggered a life sentence. Washington is one of the prisoners profiled in a new … Read more on New York Post
Bill Maher Isn't Sorry
Filed under: crack cocaine prices
Drug Use, Decision-Making and the Blunders of Rob Ford
Drug use, decision-making and the blunders of Rob Ford
Filed under: how to get off crack cocaine
This tendency to consistently gamble on a risky option, hoping to get away with that big reward without experiencing the negative consequences, might help to explain the decision to continue using drugs even in the face of potential punishments, like … Read more on The Guardian
Former chairman of the Co-op bank 'uses crystal meth and crack cocaine'
Filed under: how to get off crack cocaine
Toronto Mayor Rob Ford in Extraordinary Crack Cocaine Confession
Toronto Mayor Rob Ford in extraordinary crack cocaine confession
Filed under: crack cocaine video
The allegations that he had been caught on video smoking crack surfaced in May. "Yes, I have smoked crack cocaine," Mr Ford told reporters outside his office. "There have been times when I've been in a drunken stupor. That's why I want to see the tape. Read more on Telegraph.co.uk
Rob Ford Crack Video Recovered by Toronto Police – Chief Bill Blair – 10/31/2013 Toronto police have recovered a video of Rob Ford that the chief says is consistent with the video reported by media of the mayor smoking crack co…
'I Have Smoked Crack Cocaine,' Toronto's Mayor Admits on Camera
'I Have Smoked Crack Cocaine,' Toronto's Mayor Admits on Camera
Filed under: cocaine to crack
Last Updated, 5:34 p.m. | After dodging questions for months about video evidence said to show him using drugs, Mayor Rob Ford of Toronto stunned constituents and his own staff on Tuesday by telling a scrum of reporters, “Yes, I have smoked crack cocaine. Read more on New York Times (blog)
Crack Vs. Cocaine: Which Is "Worse"?
Filed under: cocaine to crack
Grandma Who Ran NY Family Drug Ring Gets 15 Years
Grandma who ran NY family drug ring gets 15 years
Filed under: Cocaine Vs Crack Law
She was arrested in February 2012 along with her common-law husband, son, three adult daughters, two of the daughters' boyfriends and a granddaughter. All have since pleaded guilty to drug charges. U.S. Attorney William Hochul said, … more than $ 50 … Read more on Denver Post
Toronto mayor, stripped of powers, vows to fight
Filed under: Cocaine Vs Crack Law