Toronto Mayor Rob Ford Admits to Smoking Crack Cocaine
Toronto Mayor Rob Ford Admits to Smoking Crack Cocaine – Ford apologizes to citizens of Toronto and says, I know what I did was wrong. Lots of fun for you and your family, enjoy and share our channel Un sacco di di…
Toronto Mayor Rob Ford Breaks Silence, Denies Smoking Crack Cocaine
Toronto Mayor Rob Ford Breaks Silence, Denies Smoking Crack Cocaine – 5/24/13 – Toronto Mayor Rob Ford, who has been under intense scrutiny (from Jon Stewart among others) after supposed video of him allegedly smoking crack coc…
Obama Could Have Been Clarence Aaron
Obama could have been Clarence Aaron
Filed under: crack cocaine history
PardonPower blogger P.S. Ruckman placed Obama "among the most merciless presidents in the history of the United States." Obama did sign the Fair Sentencing Act of 2010, which reduced the disparity between cocaine and crack sentences, which … Read more on San Francisco Chronicle
Blacks & Mexicans unite for Oscar Grant after Mehserle verdict in Los Angeles – On Thursday, Oscar Grant supporters organized a rally at Leimert Park in South Los Angeles after Johannes Mehserle was convicted of involuntary manslaughter …
E-Street: Should or Will Pot Ever Be Legal?
E-Street: Should or will pot ever be legal?
Filed under: crack cocaine s effect
Pot – and ALL drugs should be legal!!! The stupid 'War on Drugs' just created more powerful and dangerous gangs who are better armed that the government people. As long as there is demand, there will be suppliers….its just straight & plain economics. Read more on The Province (blog)
AP Photo/Charles Arbogast
Filed under: crack cocaine s effect
Springfield Residents Charged Following Raid Which Led to Recovery of Heroin …
Springfield residents charged following raid which led to recovery of heroin …
Filed under: crack cocaine photos
(Springfield police booking photos). Print · Robert Rizzuto … Edward Kalish of the Strategic Impact Unit revealed .22-caliber handguns, shotgun shells, crack cocaine packaged for sale, 33 bags of heroin and marijuana packaged for sale. Additionally … Read more on
New documents suggest Rob Ford may have tried to buy video
Filed under: crack cocaine photos
Canadian Cocaine Video Scandal: Toronto Mayor Rob Ford Denies Smoking Crack Cocaine
Canadian cocaine video scandal: Toronto Mayor Rob Ford denies smoking crack cocaine – Toronto’s embattled mayor Rob Ford has denied allegations that he smoked crack-cocaine and said he could not comment on a video he had not seen or does not e…
Rob Ford crack video: Justice Ian Nordheimer says second clip in police …
Filed under: Smoking Crack Cocaine
The much speculated about second video now in police possession is different but related to the previously reported video that shows Mayor Rob Ford appearing to smoke crack cocaine, a Superior Court judge said Monday. In a written ruling Monday that … Read more on Toronto Star
Alexander Lisi's Extortion, Drug Cases Put Over to Jan. 14
Alexander Lisi's Extortion, Drug Cases Put Over To Jan. 14
Filed under: What Are The Signs Of Crack Cocaine Use
Toronto Mayor Rob Ford steps off an art installation of the rooster bust at Nathan Phillips Square. The rooster is the Mayor's birth sign under the Chinese Zodiac. The Mayor unveiled … first meeting with his executive committee since allegations of … Read more on Huffington Post Canada
La Crosse rapper faces 30 years in prison on drug charges
Filed under: What Are The Signs Of Crack Cocaine Use
Reagan Administration, CIA Complicit in DEA Agent's Murder, Say Former Insiders
Reagan administration, CIA complicit in DEA agent's murder, say former insiders
Filed under: Is Crack Cocaine Addictive
In 1996, Gary Webb, reporting for the San Jose, California-based Mercury News, broke a story linking Contra drug running to the proliferation of crack cocaine in Los Angeles that had bred addiction and gang-related violence. Though the “Dark Alliance” … Read more on Tico Times
Rob Ford: Blackmail was one more distraction
Filed under: Is Crack Cocaine Addictive
Rob Ford May Have Tried to Buy Crack Video for $5000 and a Car: New Police …
Rob Ford may have tried to buy crack video for 00 and a car: new police …
Filed under: crack cocaine pipes
Other conversations allege that Ford was at 15 Windsor Rd. (a place police refer to as a “crack house”) last April seeking drugs — which also means police were aware of alleged connections between Ford and drugs before the video reports blew up. New … Read more on
Court docs: Toronto mayor wanted tapes
Filed under: crack cocaine pipes