Are the Arrested Hardworking Illegals Here Victims of Racial Profiling Will Obama Order an Investigation?
Question by I’m gonna start another riot: Are the arrested hardworking illegals here victims of racial profiling will Obama order an investigation?
Pasco deputies arrested two illegal immigrants on drug charges early Wednesday morning, netting cash, firearms, crack cocaine, cocaine and crystal methamphetamine, Pasco County Sheriff Bob White announced this afternoon.
White said the case highlights the need to crack down on illegal immigration.
It started out as a somewhat typical home-invasion-robbery call. Pasco deputies responded to a 911 call about a home-invasion robbery at 11422 Fort King Road, Dade City about 12:30 a.m. Wednesday.
Brazil: Drug Dealers Say No to Crack in Rio
Brazil: Drug dealers say no to crack in Rio
Filed under: Crack Cocaine Drug Testing Kit
Dealers shake their heads, insisting it was their decision to stop selling crack, the crystalized form of cocaine. "Crack has been nothing but a disgrace for Rio. It's time to stop," said the drug boss in charge. He is Mandela's second-in-command – a … Read more on Sacramento Bee
Is It a Coincidence That the U.S. Experienced a “Crack Epidemic” at the Same Time as the Contra Situation?
Question by Divide and Conquer 2012: Is it a coincidence that the U.S. experienced a “crack epidemic” at the same time as the Contra situation?
CIA and Contras cocaine trafficking in the US
“The involvement of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in cocaine trafficking in Central America during the Reagan Administration as part of the Contra war in Nicaragua has been the subject of several official and journalistic investigations since the mid-1980s.”