heroin addict

Four Addiction Experts on Why Recovery and Abstinence Is a Lifelong Commitment

Four addiction experts on why recovery and abstinence is a lifelong commitment

Filed under: drug abuse recovery

Oscar-winner Philip Seymour Hoffman had been clean 23 years before the demons came calling again. Last spring, the actor went back to rehab to try to beat a heroin addiction. He detoxified at a facility on the East Coast for 10 days, apparently long … Read more on The Globe and Mail


Alcohol Rehab Winston Salem | Drug Rehab Winston Salem | Detoxification Winston Salem – http://winstonsalem.alcoholicrehabilitation.net Drug Rehab Center Winston Salem, NC provides a healthy, understanding atmosphere for addicts who wish to star…

Celebrities and Heroin Addiction: How It Happens

Celebrities and Heroin Addiction: How It Happens

Filed under: coccaine addiction

The addiction experts noted that while cocaine has a reputation for being appealing to business people for its ability give them energy and focus, heroin's appeal is that it allows users to escape reality, a temptation for some in high-stress or highly … Read more on ABC News


Like Water: Marvin Gaye's Influence in The District

Filed under: coccaine addiction

What Is Addiction?

What Is Addiction?

Filed under: drug abuse addiction

As the death of the actor Philip Seymour Hoffman and the rise of overdoses in New England indicate, heroin continues to be a plague of both desperate poverty and tortured privilege. The abuse of prescription drugs is an even more widespread problem. Read more on New York Times


Teen Prescription Drug Abuse On the Rise – Teen Prescription Drug Abuse On the Rise Teen prescription drug abuse on the rise. ALBANY — We’re here to talk about prescription drug abuse and it is an ep…

Is It True You Only Need a High School Diploma and Certification to Be a Substance Abuse Counselor?

Question by noname: Is it true you only need a high school diploma and certification to be a substance abuse counselor?
Hi, I’m a 31 year old mom and wife that is about to finish my associates degree in psychology next year and I want to get into counseling. I decided to return to college because I’m tired of dead end jobs and want to finish something I started years ago. As soon as I returned to college, I started getting straight A’s in all my classes and have so much enthusiasm to continue, yet I don’t want to be stuck in college until I’m 40 for my career to begin. The maximum I would like to invest is three more years, perhaps even four. I heard that with a bachelor’s in psychology you can’t really do much =-/. I want a better future for my family but I won’t settle for studying something I don’t like just because it’s short…like medical asst. I heard that to be a substance abuse counselor you don’t even have to have a master’s degree and some people only need a high school diploma in addition to some training to get certified…is that true? If so, where can I find out more? How much do these substance abuse counselors w/o the master’s make anyway? Or should I just stick to getting a bachelor’s in psychology and aim for the master’s while working in a job my bachelor’s can qualify me for?

Why Love Was My Drug: Could You Be in the Grip of a Dangerous Addiction?

Why love was my drug: Could you be in the grip of a dangerous addiction?

Filed under: substance addiction

Even today, when love addiction is becoming recognised as a problem in its own right, it is often through treatment for substance abuse (or other addictions such as shopping or gambling) that patients uncover underlying relationship issues. In my case … Read more on Daily Mail


Hoffman died from 'toxic mix of drugs'

Filed under: substance addiction

Pills, Heroin Change Drug War in Henderson County

Pills, heroin change drug war in Henderson County

Filed under: drug addiction detox

They've also seen methadone, a chemical used to help heroin addicts detox, and acetyl fentanyl — an illegal version of an opiate cheaper than heroin and five times stronger. Acetyl fentanyl has been linked to at least 67 overdose deaths in three … Read more on BlueRidgeNow.com


Addiction Treatment West Palm Beach | A New Day | 888-991-3386 – If you, a friend, or a family member is having a problem with drugs or alcohol call A New Day Rehab Center at 888-991-3386 and speak to an addiction professi…

Papa Talk: Drug Abuse Could Be Lurking at Your Door

Papa talk: Drug abuse could be lurking at your door

Filed under: drug abuse news articles

The ministry of Education recently revealed that drug abuse was on the increase in schools. And yes, even primary school children have not been spared. If there was anything that could utterly devastate parents, this must be it. One cannot imagine the … Read more on The Observer (blog)


State rep pushes for welfare drug tests

Filed under: drug abuse news articles

Addiction News

Addiction News

Filed under: addiction and abuse

For the latest addiction news, bookmark This Just In. From legal matters and celebrity troubles to addiction studies and recovery stories, this section features the hottest topics in alcohol and drug abuse news. We sort out the sometimes overwhelming … Read more on TheFix.com


Actiq Addiction and Actiq Abuse – http://drugrehabcenter.com – Actiq Addiction and Actiq Abuse – Call our Toll-Free Recovery Hotline at 1-800-839-1682 and discover the best treatment options …


Path From Pain Pills To Heroin Addiction Nothing New In San Diego County

The Tragic Face of Addiction: Husband of 'Teen Mom' Star Jenelle Evans

The Tragic Face Of Addiction: Husband Of 'Teen Mom' Star Jenelle Evans

Filed under: meth addiction videos

As a result, RadarOnline.com is pulling back the curtain on heroin use in America with a shocking video that exposes what drug use really looks like when it isn't being glamorized on the big screen and in Tinseltown. PHOTOS: Heroin Addicts, Coke Fiends … Read more on Radar Online


Bill Gibbons, Mark Gwyn and E. Douglas Varney: Legislation to limit

Filed under: meth addiction videos

Times in-Depth: Heroin's Deadly Return to Erie

Times In-Depth: Heroin's deadly return to Erie

Filed under: Withdrawal Symptoms Of Crack Cocaine

Unaccounted for are heroin addicts who seek help at private facilities or get no treatment. Figures for heroin addiction "are really hard to get," …. The point of origin for the drugs: Detroit, which police long had identified as the source city for … Read more on GoErie.com