Officer Tommy King Gets Parking 'Ticket' From 14-Year-Old Girl
Officer Tommy King Gets Parking 'Ticket' From 14-Year-Old Girl
Filed under: substance abuse cocaine
Ludlow Massachusetts Police Officer Thomas Foye was arrested on August 15, 2013, for allegedly stealing a substance from a police evidence locker that field tested positive for cocaine. Foye, 49, was booked on charges of theft of drugs from a … plea … Read more on Huffington Post
CBT presentation – excel formulas and function.
Jane Shea, former wife of England captain Tony Adams jailed for stealing …
Filed under: substance abuse cocaine
Tool to Track Drug Abusers Is at Risk
Tool to track drug abusers is at risk
Filed under: Crack Cocaine Recovery Statistics
Joshua Fletcher, a recovering heroin addict, points to where he used to shoot heroin, the spot is now covered with a tattoo which to honor his grandfather. (Photo: Brent … Heroin statistics from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) have … Read more on Indianapolis Star
Yelp's Now on TV & It's Hilarious: A Review of 'Review'
Filed under: Crack Cocaine Recovery Statistics
Heroin Use Climbs in Maine as Cheaper Alternative to Prescription Drugs
Heroin use climbs in Maine as cheaper alternative to prescription drugs
Filed under: Symptoms Of Withdrawal From Crack Cocaine
She had already smoked crack and done other drugs, but it was a blood clot in her arm that set her heroin addiction in motion. The hospital … Heroin takes her pain away, she said, and staves off the nausea, diarrhea and other withdrawal symptoms. It … Read more on Press Herald
Drug & Alcohol Addiction Treatment -1800 626 1980-Transitions Recovery Program Video
Drug & Alcohol Addiction Treatment -1800 626 1980-Transitions Recovery Program Video – Make The Call That Can Save Your Life Today ! 1.800.626.1980 or visit Transitions Recovery, is a national leading provider of co…
Consider Foley facility for treating heroin addicts
Filed under: addiction treatment facilities
Heroin is a growing epidemic on Long Island and nationwide. As the Suffolk County sheriff, I encounter heroin and drug-addicted people every day at the Suffolk County Correctional Facility, many of whom are responsible for the recent spike in bank, … Read more on
Psychiatrist Scottsdale Addiction/Abuse/Diversion
Psychiatrist Scottsdale Addiction/Abuse/Diversion – Scottsdale Psychiatrist Addiction Treatment – – Providing prompt, personalized, private child & adolescent and adult Psychiatric services. Ad…
DA: Heroin addiction often starts with pill abuse
Filed under: addiction abuse
Curbing prescription drug abuse may be one antidote to the county's heroin epidemic, District Attorney Eric R. Linhardt said at Wednesday's Lycoming-Sullivan Counties Borough Association meeting. Whereas 89 percent of surveyed teenagers disapproved … Read more on Williamsport Sun-Gazette
Pain killer abuse could lead to heroin addiction
Filed under: addiction abuse
Flappy Bird Creator “Considering” Returning Hit Game to App Store
Flappy Bird creator “considering” returning hit game to App Store
Filed under: crack addictive
… and Nguyen shared some distressing messages of similar addiction that he received since the game became a hit. "Thirteen kids at my school broke their phones because of your game, and they still play it cause it's addicting like crack," one message … Read more on Ars Technica
First of community meetings on heroin abuse held
Filed under: crack addictive
Lawmakers Warn of Growing Heroin Problem
Lawmakers warn of growing heroin problem
Filed under: addiction to alcohol
Lawmakers and a state substance abuse program are calling for $ 15 million dollars in additional funding for the Office of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Services in the 2014-2015 budget to combat what they call a growing heroin and prescription drug … Read more on Legislative Gazette
The Dr. Oz Show Recap: Inhaled Alcohol Fumes Are Toxic, Addictive (3/6/14)
Filed under: addiction to alcohol
Drug Recovery. Do You Manage It or Do You Have to Be a Recovery Natzi?
Question by Erin: Drug recovery. Do you manage it or do you have to be a recovery natzi?
20 years ago i went through rehab. Life went on. I finished college, got a job and a long the way discovered that I am just fine with social drinking. It doesn’t trigger me into anything destructive. I know I have a vulnerability when it comes to some drugs… so I take care around those types drugs and abstain from them.
I don’t personally see anything wrong with managing a propensity towards addiction without complate abstanance from all substances if you’re happy and functional. I have maybe 1 or 2 beers twice a month with my fish tacos.
20 years later, is it really necessary to be a recovery natzi? Some people in the program can’t wrap their heads around it. But is that becasue they need to abstain from eveything and can’t wrap their heads around being able to have a drink without becoming dysfuctional about it?
Looking for you .02. I saw a shrink for something unrelated but she gave me lots of grif over the fact that I was in rehab 20 years ago (for a drug)that I now drink.
If I have not had any issues or problems socially drinking for 15 years, why should I stop now just because I had a problem 20 years ago? I just don’t get it – it doesn’t make sense to me. The point, is that it’s fun, and cultural.
I’m afraid the more I talk to recovering addicts, the less I relate.
What Are the Side Effects of the Drug ALPRAZOLAM?
Question by lucky: What are the side effects of the drug ALPRAZOLAM?
Does this drug lead to dizziness,confused speech,stubbled walk… friend takes these drugs for anxiety and these side effects are found in him. I dont understand if this drug is leading to these effects or he intakes someother drugs…..these symptoms are seen in him during all the evening tutions. Are these symptoms because of this drug. PLS HELP. I think he needs help.
Best answer:
Answer by Vonda J
yes it can its also called zanics i would say he is taking to much at one time…
'My Sad Drug and Alcohol History'
'My sad drug and alcohol history'
Filed under: the effect of drug abuse
The instructions were to write a narrative of my alcohol/drug use from my first drink to my last. Instructions were to include people I was with, feelings, consequences, amount, substance(s) and frequency, making note of any significant changes in them. Read more on
Troubling growth in opiate abuse baffles Berkshire court officials
Filed under: the effect of drug abuse