effects of crack cocaine

Not So Fast on OKing Speed Cameras

Not so fast on OKing speed cameras

Filed under: Effects Of Crack Cocaine Addiction

Although there are some Mountaineer lawmakers who are advocating the use of speed cameras in West Virginia, what follows are just a few of the reasons recently shared with me that point out why relying on speed cameras for traffic control are a really … Read more on spiritofjefferson (blog)


One of Britain biggest bookies tells staff higher weighting will be attached

Filed under: Effects Of Crack Cocaine Addiction

Are Narcocorrido Mexican Drug Ballads Really That Bad?

Are Narcocorrido Mexican Drug Ballads Really That Bad?

Filed under: Crack Cocaine Side Effects

Gangster rap harnessed the same linguistic virtuosities but is more of a problem, and there's always been outrage at MCs channeling drive-bys and shootouts even as inner-city neighborhoods were devastated by the effects of crack cocaine and the war on … Read more on Daily Beast


Paul Flowers, Former Co-Op Bank Chief And Church Minister, Arrested Over Drugs

Filed under: Crack Cocaine Side Effects

From T-Shirts to the State House: Ohio Support for Medical Marijuana Is More

From T-shirts to the State House: Ohio support for medical marijuana is more

Filed under: Effects Of Crack Cocaine Addiction

The National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML) reports that 20 states and the District of Columbia have enacted laws permitting medical use, and two of those—Colorado and Washington—passed measures in the past year allowing … is … Read more on WCPO


Rob Ford made it onto Saturday Night Live for a second week in Weekend

Filed under: Effects Of Crack Cocaine Addiction

Guardian Profile: David Tennant, Our Favourite Doctor … His Time Has Come

Guardian profile: David Tennant, our favourite Doctor … his time has come

Filed under: Long Term Effects Of Crack Cocaine Addiction

Then he is off to crack the US in a remake of Broadchurch for Fox. He would also like to direct – he has a long gestating theatre production of A Midsummer Night's Dream – but as he told the Guardian last week: "It's going to have to wait for now … Read more on The Guardian


Rob Ford's Staff Were Concerned About Drugs, Drunk Driving And Prostitution

Which of the Following Drugs Does the Most Damage to America?

Question by Jay T: Which of the following drugs does the most damage to America?
If you were to set up a task force to tackle only ONE drug and see what you can do to stop it…

Crack Cocaine – Although crack cocaine is known to only have its influence largely in communities which are already on the “outs” – it’s reputation for causing “instant addiction” and connection to crimes like vandalism and theft make it a prime candidate.

Crystal Meth – although a meth user can “function” in society for a longer period of time undetected, the health risks associated with the drug are often disasterous and costly.

How Does Crack Cocaine Use Affect Diabetes, Specifically?

Question by Sarah: How does Crack Cocaine use affect Diabetes, specifically?
Hi – I’m a Type 1 – insulin dependant – diabetic (have had it for 23 years, since I was 5 yrs old), and I am / have been in drug treatment / “rehabilitation” for crack cocaine and heroin addiction for the past 10 years. Every 3 months, when it is mandatory to see an actual Doctor, rather than just a key-worker, for a so-called “medical review”, when I tell the ‘Doctor-Of-The-Day’, (dubbed so because my treatment centre is SOOO good and consistent that I get to see a new and totally unfamiliar Doctor each and every time!), that I am diabetic, I am ALWAYS, without fail, met with the cliche, car-mechanic style sharp intake of breath, followed by, “Oooo! Well then you REALLY need to be careful of what you’re doing then, in that case!”…. But NEVER an explanation as to WHY, EXACTLY, I, especially, i.e., more than other, NON-diabetic clients need to be SO careful! I have asked, more than once, why diabetics in particular need to be so much more especially careful when using drugs, as a result of the condition, but the Doctors (don’t know why I insist on using a capital D for Doctor, like they’re all God-like or something?!?! but that’s besides the point here isn’t it?, SO…), The ALL the doctors I’ve so far put this question to just fob me off with, “Well, you’re key-worker can/will answer that for you if you ask them another time; I’m simply here to review your prescription and unfortunately don’t have the time to discuss other, non-drug-related matters, at this time.” I.e., I don’t really know, so I’ll use my apparent/imagined importance to avoid the question altogether.”!!!!!!! I think it’s obviously needless for me to say here that my key-workers are just as baffled / ignorant on the subject as I and all the so-called ‘professional’ doctors are, so I still don’t have an answer! I understand diabetes, and I studied Biomedical Science at degree level for one year, so I’m not STUPID and I DO understand how the human body works better than most, so I tried to find the answer for myself using information that is available online – However – Trying to find info’ that explains or describes how crack and/or heroin use / addiction affects a diabetic user, specifically, with regard to their diabetes only, I’ve found is near enough impossible! Everywhere you go, for info’ on “effects of crack cocaine and heroin on diabetes/diabetics” supplies only generic info’ on the drugs’ common (side) effects with NOTHING specific pertaining to how exactly diabetes does, or potentially could, affect or complicate the drugs’/body’s usual interaction / metabolism of the drugs in question. Can someone with REAL knowledge on this subject please tell me why a diabetic addict/user is so much more at risk than a non-diabetic addict/user?!?! I would really appreciate REAL, solid, scientific info’ on this subject rather than simple conjecture, theory and suggestion/personal opinion! Many thanks, Sairra x X x

What Effect Does C Rack Cocaine Have on Male Sex Organs?

Question by skeeter: what effect does c rack cocaine have on male sex organs?
my b/f didnt come home for 3 days (weekend) said he was smoking crack cocaine and it made him not want to have sex….Is this true or is he using that as an excuse not to have sex with me??I don’t know never been around it…can u please help me…

Best answer:

Answer by LabMonkey
The clue here is “didnt come home for 3 days (weekend) said he was smoking crack cocaine “. If he was smoking crack, he’s a loser. If he wasn’t, then he’s a lying git and a loser. Either way, he’s a waste of space. Dump him and move on, preferably to someone not drug-addled.

Alley Boy Reflects on Prison Time & Drawing Inspiration From DMX

Alley Boy Reflects On Prison Time & Drawing Inspiration From DMX

Filed under: what are the effects of crack cocaine

But as long as poverty and addiction are societal staples, there will likely always be someone to rap about the cause and effects of selling and abusing drugs. And the skill and conviction with which such … It's a face with tattooed tears, and from … Read more on HipHopDX


Louisiana's new gun rights law considered by state Supreme Court

Filed under: what are the effects of crack cocaine

The Tea Party Takes Its Medicine

The Tea Party takes its medicine

Filed under: Long Term Effects Of Crack Cocaine Addiction

We all have political problems, but only America deals with them by becoming Somalia for a while. … This time the shutdown is because they're losing. It's true … Listen to the hardliner Michele Bachmann: “I think the reason is because President … Read more on The Monthly (subscription) (blog)


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Filed under: Long Term Effects Of Crack Cocaine Addiction

Can Drugs Make You Not Get Pregnant?

Question by Wendie: Can drugs make you not get pregnant?
This question is not at all for me. I am already pregnant. There is a lady that I work with who is going to a fertility clinic to try to get pregnant. She has told me that she has been in and out of rehab for what kind of drugs I don’t know. Me and a few other people thing that she might still be on them from little things that she does. Just wondering what kind if any can make you not get pregnant? Like for instance heroin or coke or anything like that.
We’re not sure if she is or not. One of the ladies and me think that she still might be because she wears long sleeves all the time and the register keeps coming up short when she works. We are definantly sure.
She’s on her husbands insurance.


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