drug dealer

Which of the Following Drugs Does the Most Damage to America?

Question by Jay T: Which of the following drugs does the most damage to America?
If you were to set up a task force to tackle only ONE drug and see what you can do to stop it…

Crack Cocaine – Although crack cocaine is known to only have its influence largely in communities which are already on the “outs” – it’s reputation for causing “instant addiction” and connection to crimes like vandalism and theft make it a prime candidate.

Crystal Meth – although a meth user can “function” in society for a longer period of time undetected, the health risks associated with the drug are often disasterous and costly.

Ex-Addict Helps Inmates Re-Enter Society

Ex-Addict Helps Inmates Re-Enter Society

Filed under: is crack cocaine addictive

Charles Sperling (left) knows the torment and desperation of drug addiction. More than 30 years ago, he got hooked on heroin. But in 1986, Sperling stopped using the drug and started to turn his life around. Now he runs a nonprofit with Raymond Duke … Read more on GPB


Drug dealer explains lure and risk of fentanyl abuse

Filed under: is crack cocaine addictive

Joint Point

Joint point

Filed under: crack cocaine law change

If one tries marijuana and nothing terrible happens, it gets just a little bit harder to resist the opportunity to try crack cocaine or heroin or ecstasy or methamphetamine. The seed of association — “drugs are fun” … I'm not particularly … Read more on Waterbury Republican American (blog)


Drugs found in vehicle stop on Stroudsburg's West Main Street

Filed under: crack cocaine law change

Police Seize Cocaine and Knives After Stopping London Man on His Bike

Police seize cocaine and knives after stopping London man on his bike

Filed under: Cocaine Vs Crack Powder

Police seized two push knives, 11.3 grams of powder cocaine worth $ 1130, 5.1 g of crack cocaine worth $ 510, 8.2 g of crystal methamphetamine worth $ 82, and $ 1,040 in Canadian cash. Officers say the bicycle was reported stolen on Oct. 17. Jamie Keenan … Read more on CTV News


Crack, cocaine, marijuana found in northwest Tallahassee home lead to arrests

Filed under: Cocaine Vs Crack Powder

Taking a New Look at the War on Drugs

Taking a new look at the war on drugs

Filed under: Crack Vs Cocaine Base

The racism of the drug war was most starkly revealed in the differential treatment between crack cocaine and powdered cocaine. In the 1980s, mandatory minimum sentencing laws were passed that used a 100-to-1 differential in the quantity of drugs seized … Read more on Socialist Worker Online


North Branford Police Assist in Arrest of Drug Dealer

Filed under: Crack Vs Cocaine Base

Tweaking Scientists Invent FDA-Proof 'Caffeine-Related Ingredient'

Tweaking Scientists Invent FDA-Proof 'Caffeine-Related Ingredient'

Filed under: beating crack addiction

So don't get too excited by the prospect of over-the-counter liquid Adderall; the product seems to be more about optimizing caffeine intake than cultivating that stress-inducing cracked-out feeling that accompanies too much coffee. The product also … Read more on Betabeat


Three sentenced for possession of heroin

Filed under: beating crack addiction

Harrison Magistrate Mark Gorby found probable cause Monday for a charge of delivery of crack cocaine against Marquise Terrell “Rello” Tillman. The decision sends the case to circuit court. Tillman, 26, of Clarksburg, sold crack cocaine Sept. 13 at the … Read more on Exponent-telegram

Secret, Steady Flow of Heroin Into Area

Secret, steady flow of heroin into area

Filed under: crack cocaine injection

“They say heroin and oxycodone are about the same thing as far as the need for it,” Donta said, noting heroin users tend to inject the drug rather than snorting it as pill abusers often do. Narcotic abuse might be difficult for family members to detect … Read more on The Independent


Drug dealer gets five-year prison sentence

Filed under: crack cocaine injection

Saturday, October 26

Saturday, October 26

Filed under: signs of taking cocaine

1990 – President Alberto Fujimori announces a plan to employ free market incentives as a way to stop Peruvian farmers from their economic dependence on growing coca, the plant used to make cocaine. 1992 – An elaborate pageant for … 2004 – Rebel … Read more on New Zealand Herald


Teesside man who 'directed operations' in drugs plot is jailed

Filed under: signs of taking cocaine

Third in Cambridge Don't Know Neighbours – but Some Are From 'hell'

Third in Cambridge don't know neighbours – but some are from 'hell'

Filed under: Many Faces Of Crack Cocaine

That was the case for residents living next to a squalid crack den in Cambridge which was last week shut down after drug dealers caused “misery” for families in Temple Court, King's Hedges. Amidst the mess of the flat, police discovered crack cocaine … Read more on Cambridge News


Arrests made in murder of BC man

Filed under: Many Faces Of Crack Cocaine

Where Did Crack Come From?

Question by ThaVibe: Where did crack come from?
you know the song “Crack Music” by Kanye West and The Game? Well it implies Reagan allowed into the country. I wanna know for real, who let crack cocaine into the states and why?

Best answer:

Answer by Homey Don’t Play Dat!
The gubmint.

Answer by Billy
Sure blacks will claim all we whites came together and decided on spreading the drug through out black communities but in reality sure some drug dealer saw how addictive the drug was and felt expanding his base to all us perceived rich Americans would be good for his bottom line.