SPECIAL REPORT: Do You Know Molly?
SPECIAL REPORT: Do You Know Molly?
Filed under: Information About Crack Cocaine
But the question isn't who is Molly, it's what is Molly? "Molly is short … Even though it's marketed as pure MDMA, better known as the drug ecstasy, Molly could be filled with any number of dangerous addictive substances like cocaine, meth, or … Read more on WILX-TV
Ten years for Liverpool drug dealer who flooded streets with heroin and cocaine
Filed under: Information About Crack Cocaine
What % of Babies Born to Meth Addicted Mothers Are Born Healthy?
Question by Colorado: What % of babies born to meth addicted mothers are born healthy?
Best answer:
Answer by Miss Demanda
I don’t think there is any real way to know this. If a baby is born healthy, it’s unlikely the doctors would record anything about the mother’s addiction, if they even knew about it.
But the chances are high that the baby will have some type of birth defect- major or small. The effects it has on the babies is quite to crack cocaine. The environment the child is raised in after birth can also have a huge impact on the birth defect.
If Obama Is Elected Will He Live in the White Powder House?
Question by libsticker: If Obama is Elected will he live in the White Powder House?
On tours of the White House will they issue free samples, a mirror and a 10 dollar bill to each visitor or is it just reserved for his staff? He has admitted Cocaine use in his past, he still smokes, maybe he hasn’t gotten over his other “habits”. Should we be concerned?
Best answer:
Answer by Bleh!
Hey Hillary stop passing this crap. Enough of the Obama is muslim, won’t salute the flag, drug dealer and all the other lies. You have run the sleaziest campaign in history and people are finally getting to recognize this.
AVRTuneup – Rational Recovery®
AVRTuneup – Rational Recovery® – An introduction to a three DVD set that will teach you AVRT® techniques that you can use to achieve permanent abstinence from crack or any other substance yo…
She Vanquished a Cruel Addiction, but Challenges Remain
Filed under: Crack Cocaine Addiction Recovery
Chalk it up to an addict's apathy. If her body, already weakened from crack cocaine use, also had to endure beatings from drug dealers she had cheated, so what? Threats on her life made at knife point for the same transgression? No difference. What … Read more on New York Times
Lakritz: Attacks on Ford Show Bully Culture Is Alive and Well
Lakritz: Attacks on Ford show bully culture is alive and well
Filed under: crack addicts
The online community cites Ford's earlier lying about the crack cocaine video as justification for their own behaviour towards him. They appear utterly indifferent to, or perhaps hopelessly ignorant of, the fact that addicts will do or say anything to … Read more on Calgary Herald
7/11 crack addicts, Jesse and Cole – Being fake crack addicts/hobos at 7/11 at 2am.
Rob Ford's denials common among addicts, experts say
Filed under: crack addicts
Where There's a Wil: The Story of Wil Smith '00
Where there's a Wil: the story of Wil Smith '00
Filed under: Signs Of Crack Cocaine User
Having missed Orientation, he didn't know about how to sign up for a meal plan, or that he didn't have to buy all his books but could read them on reserve in the library. In the Navy he had learned how to tinker with the hardware of computers but had … Read more on The Bowdoin Orient
Crack cocaine: 9 things to know
Filed under: Signs Of Crack Cocaine User
Why Do People Who Are Against Marijuana Have to Lie About It?
Question by Sinbad: Why do people who are against marijuana have to lie about it?
I was just on a marijuana addiction website and entire homepage is full of lies and twisted statements. Like “Often a person with marijuana addiction will make continuous excuses about why now is not a good time to stop using the drug.”. The reason why people say that is because when a person asks a smoker “Why don’t you just stop smoking?” the only answer to come to a persons head is “I don’t want to” or “I don’t want to now” so they automatically think they’re addicts. I’m sure they don’t go up to there family or friends and tell them to not have that drink of alcohol after they have a long day at work. They don’t tell the college student that they don’t have to drink all weekend. All the anti-marijuana people can do is twist statements and make up “facts” about weed. Take this entry for example: “There is a good reason why admission to rehabilitation facilities has doubled for marijuana addiction. The potency of the drug continues to get more powerful and studies show that teens can get a hold of marijuana often easier than alcohol. Even those who seek treatment for drugs that are perceived has “harder” like heroin or cocaine will often acknowledge that marijuana is their primary drug of choice.” The potency of the drug is the same as the 70’s it’s just people have gotten better at growing it. It’s easier to get a hold of weed than it is alcohol for teens for the sheer fact that stores check ID’s and not every teen knows a 21 year old. Drug dealers don’t care how old you are as long as you have money. Just because a heroin or cocaine addict says marijuana is their drug of choice does not make it a worse drug. So back to my original question. Do these people really have to make up things about marijuana just so they have some sort of debate against us smokers?
From Drug Dealer to Global Social Entrepreneur: Craig Ross Shares His Story
From drug dealer to global social entrepreneur: Craig Ross shares his story
Filed under: Crack Cocaine Recovery
However, in 2007 he went to a rehabilitation clinic where, as part of his recovery programme, he did a social media course. Today, Ross has turned his life … For example, he added other chemicals to the crack cocaine he sold. “So the quality is … Read more on How we made it in Africa
Former Myrtle Beach athlete, now homeless, talks about recovery
Filed under: Crack Cocaine Recovery
Yardie 039.avi
yardie 039.avi – Shani and Antony, drinking from the yard glass…
Toronto Police Say They Have Video of Mayor Apparently Smoking Crack
Filed under: crack cocaine dealers
Toronto Police revealed Thursday they have obtained an often-rumored video that shows Mayor Rob Ford apparently smoking crack. Ford didn't comment in detail but said he would not resign. In a news conference, Police Chief Bill Blair said at least one … Read more on TIME
Camden police arrest four alleged drug dealers
Filed under: crack cocaine dealers
How to Become a Crack House Host
How to Become a Crack House Host
Filed under: crack addiction signs
Both lay persons and members of the scientific community have come to view the inner-city crack house as a facility where drug dealers and crack addicts sell, buy, and use crack cocaine. It is suggested in this article that the term “crack house” be … Read more on Scientific American (blog)
Fighting prostitution in the Fox Valley at its core
Filed under: crack addiction signs