drug dealer

Guilty Pleas for Nanticoke Drug Suspect

Guilty pleas for Nanticoke drug suspect

Filed under: cocaine effects on body

According to police, officers recovered cocaine, heroin, marijuana, Ecstasy (MDMA), $ 1,140 in cash, a stolen semi-automatic handgun, a military body armor vest, digital scales, cell phones and plastic baggies in the 2011 raid for which Rosario was … Read more on Wilkes Barre Times-Leader


Cher had troubles with 'male voice'

Filed under: cocaine effects on body

Drug Abuse Prevention for Parents Coming to Dennis

Drug abuse prevention for parents coming to Dennis

Filed under: preventing drug abuse

The discussion will include the importance of the parent or caregiver's role on substance abuse prevention as well as how to talk to children about drugs, signs of use and abuse to look for, current terminology, and trends of use. The presentation is … Read more on Shore News Today


Wake Up! Testimonial 07 – This video testimonial is part of the Wake Up campaign. “Wake Up” is a national campaign in the Maldives aimed at preventing drug abuse and promoting recover…

Latin America, Favelas, Suffering and New Hope

Latin America, favelas, suffering and new hope

Filed under: crack cocaine stories

Stories abound about the murder of innocents in the thousands of favelas that pepper Latin America. Drug wars. …. Despite “the crisis of crack cocaine” and the unpredictability of daily life, Sampaiosilva said most favela residents look out for one … Read more on Vancouver Sun (blog)


'Bowling for the Mob' author shares tale of highs, lows and redemption

Filed under: crack cocaine stories

How Do I Get Rid of My Drug Dealing Roommate?

Question by Christina: How do I get rid of my drug dealing roommate?
My boyfriend and I live in a 4 bedroom duplex with 3 other guys. One of the guys we live with is my boyfriend’s friend/acquaintance from high school. My bf and I both attend classes at the local college and work part time so we are not home all the time. And when we are home, we try to mind our own business. We also recently discovered we are expecting a baby; I am 4 and a half months pregnant. We were not aware of the extent of our roommate’s (the guy from high school) drug use until we recently had some issues come up. This guy used to smoke weed outside of our house, which was out of our hands so we stayed out of it but he has slowly made connections with other drug users and moved his smoking into the garage, which can sometimes stink up the whole house. Many times I have come home from work and there will be 4 or 5 people I do not know using drugs in our garage with him. His usage has progressed from marijuana only (which is illegal in Texas where we live) to now, marijuana, cocaine, “molly”, and shrooms. (As far as we know.) He now calls himself a “collector” but I would classify him as a drug dealer, technically. One of his friends that visits often to smoke will bring large packages of drugs in, and they make “deals” in and out of our home, which means there is sometimes a lot of traffic coming through at any hour. My bf and I both have (and want) nothing to do with any of the drug business that he is taking part in but it only seems to be getting worse as time passes. We just signed a 1 year lease on this house a month ago, but I am so concerned that I am going to be arrested for drug related charges in my own home that it has become a constant obsession for me to figure out a way to get out of this situation. I have thought about calling the police, but am not sure if we would be considered “involved” and at risk for related drug charges or even jail time! Not to mention that if this guy ever found out that we even tried to rat him out, I have no doubt he would kill us. You would have to know his temper and his personality to understand why I am truly scared of him. My bf has stood up to him several times about the drug problem but he always gets very loud and angry and resorts to physical contact, or even threatens him like “don’t make me do something stupid.” I fear for my bf and myself legally, not even to mention the fact that it is unhealthy for the baby and we could lose her or even be charged with neglect when she gets here!! We cannot afford a place of our own right now we are both trying so hard just to keep our heads above water right now, but the drug abuse issue is becoming more and more difficult for us to ignore as it becomes more dangerous. We do not have any other place to go, so right now the ultimate question is,
How can we get rid of this drug dealing roommate without getting in trouble with the law ourselves?

Rob Ford May Have Tried to Buy Crack Video for $5000 and a Car: New Police

Rob Ford may have tried to buy crack video for 00 and a car: new police

Filed under: crack cocaine pipes

Other conversations allege that Ford was at 15 Windsor Rd. (a place police refer to as a “crack house”) last April seeking drugs — which also means police were aware of alleged connections between Ford and drugs before the video reports blew up. New … Read more on Canada.com


Court docs: Toronto mayor wanted tapes

Filed under: crack cocaine pipes

Dumb Drug Dealer Who Wore 'How to Make Crack' Shirt to Court Gets Prison

Dumb drug dealer who wore 'how to make crack' shirt to court gets prison

Filed under: Making Crack Cocaine

A South Florida drug-trafficking defendant who dressed for a court appearance last year in a sweatshirt adorned with a cartoon recipe for making crack cocaine was sentenced last week to three years in prison, according to the Smoking Gun. Read more on BizPac Review


With his agonized-looking wife at his side, Toronto Mayor Rob Ford apologizes

Filed under: Making Crack Cocaine

Narconon Focuses Attention on the Health Damage of Illicit Drugs With Release

Narconon Focuses Attention on the Health Damage of Illicit Drugs with Release

Filed under: cocain abuse

When a person starts abusing drugs like cocaine, Spice or painkillers, they don't start out by asking about the health risks. And drug dealers don't volunteer the information. Therefore, millions of people risk their health and even their lives by … Read more on Newsday


Cocaine binges more about avoiding lows, study finds

Filed under: cocain abuse

Op-Ed: Unanswered Questions About Rob Ford and Drug Dealers

Op-Ed: Unanswered questions about Rob Ford and drug dealers

Filed under: crack cocaine dealers

This whole issue should be under more scrutiny by investigative reporters so that the many questions that linger about the whole relationship of Ford to drug dealers is made clear. The police now have the video of Ford allegedly smoking crack but so … Read more on DigitalJournal.com


Drug dealer jailed for 18 years

Filed under: crack cocaine dealers

Caught on Camera: Drug Dealer Led Away From Flats in Handcuffs

Caught on camera: Drug dealer led away from flats in handcuffs

Filed under: crack cocaine dealers

Three men also admitted drug offences under what police labelled 'Bob's Dealer Line'. Gary Newton, 38, of Fourth Avenue, Low Hill, admitted conspiracy to supply heroin and conspiracy to supply crack cocaine between March and October of this year. Read more on expressandstar.com


Drug dealer jailed for part in heroin and crack enterprise

Filed under: crack cocaine dealers

Palestine Casts First-Ever Vote at UN General Assembly

Palestine Casts First-Ever Vote at UN General Assembly

Filed under: Cocaine Vs Crack Law As Of July 30 2010

The deal comes as U.S.-Egyptian relations continue to waver over Washington's criticism of the July 3 military coup. … “On or about October 29, 2013, within the District of Columbia, Henry J. Radel III did unlawfully, knowingly and intentionally … Read more on Daily Beast


Prince George's County drug dealer sentenced to 25 years in prison

Filed under: Cocaine Vs Crack Law As Of July 30 2010