Report Highlights Prescription Drug Abuse
Report highlights prescription drug abuse
Filed under: what is crack addiction
These figures compare to 65 grams of heroin confiscated last year, 120 grams of powder cocaine, 20 grams of crack cocaine, 29 pounds of marijuana and 50 grams of mushrooms, according to a reported provided by the drug task force. "It's all a problem," … Read more on
Life and times of a former Charlotte drug dealer, now a Conway pastor
Filed under: what is crack addiction
Madison Man Gets 11 Years for Crack Cocaine Dealing
Madison man gets 11 years for crack cocaine dealing
Filed under: crack cocaine heroin
According to a news release from the U.S. Department of Justice, Damien Smith and brothers Kordarow and Milton Moore sold heroin and crack cocaine to an undercover officer on multiple occasions from April through June in 2012. Kordarow Moore was … Read more on Wisconsin State Journal
Doors Project – As drug dealing whipped through cities and towns beginning in the early 1990’s, drug dealers fortified the homes and apartments from where they dealt crack c…
Rockland Cops Swap Data to Stem County Drug Trade
Rockland cops swap data to stem county drug trade
Filed under: is crack and cocaine the same
The exchange of information is key to our success.” The numbers also show that Rockland has an active drug trade — from powdered and crack cocaine and heroin to the rising use of prescription drugs. “Rockland is a market for illicit drugs,” Goldrick said. Read more on The Journal News |
Ex-state rep, anti-violence advocate vouched for reputed drug dealer
Filed under: is crack and cocaine the same
Do U Know About Drugs and Methadone? if So, Plz Read?
Question by Ashley F: Do u know about drugs and methadone? if so, plz read?
Hi.i am just curious of others experiences. My husband and I have been on methadone for a year now. at a local methadone treatment center in our area. We have 3 kids. and our lives have improoved 9483% since treatment. we been together a total of 5 years and the first 3 were nothing but insance drug abuse.(herione,pills,oxy’… crack cocaine) we said enoughs enough and went into treatment without looking back, even moved to get away from drug dealers to advoid some temptations.My ? is tho, how long do u think I should stay in recovery? Im scared to be there “Forever”…but i dont thikn im ready to come out yet. I still go thru withdrawn some in the A.m. before my dose.It has saved our relationship and family.this clinic. so im glad for that. but can it do more harm then good in the long run? should we get into counceling? any one with any info im all ears! i kno what the ppl say at the clinic, My dr. and nurses and stuff. But i would like real like experiances
Almost 30 Men Were Jailed for Drug Supply as Part of Operation No Deal
Almost 30 men were jailed for drug supply as part of Operation No Deal
Filed under: help for crack addicts
… users who surrounded it like children on an ice cream van. The footage released by West Midlands Police today shows the addicts racing after a drug dealer's car to get their fix seconds after he pulls into a street at 8:30am in Bordesley Green … Read more on Daily Mail
Toronto sex assault trial: crack addict declared long-term offender
Filed under: help for crack addicts
Nick Cannon Set to Play Lead in Biopic on Life of 1980s Drug Dealer 'Freeway …
Nick Cannon Set To Play Lead In Biopic On Life Of 1980s Drug Dealer 'Freeway …
Filed under: crack cocaine babies
The film would reportedly explore Ross's ingenious and complex scheme of the crack cocaine trade in Los Angeles during the early 80s – the height of his success – moving 100 kilograms of cocaine daily, which was distributed across the country – product … Read more on Indie Wire (blog)
Houston Boy Shoots Self with Stolen Gun While Dad Slept Nearby
Filed under: crack cocaine babies
High Times: Drugs as an Alternative to Alcohol?
High times: drugs as an alternative to alcohol?
Filed under: crack cocaine s effect
In 2010, Professor Nutt took part in a multicriteria decision analysis of the negative effects of a variety of drugs (20 in total), according to 16 criteria (and scored out of 100) including alcohol, marijuana, heroin, cocaine, crack and LSD. The … Read more on The Yorker
Drug squad seize £25k haul in multiple raids
Filed under: crack cocaine s effect
Bowie and Me
Bowie and me
Filed under: What Are The Dangers Of Crack Cocaine
He was the most charming man, probably one of the most talented, charismatic people I've ever been involved with: great company, very funny and a brilliantly dangerous mind – interesting dark corners. I haven't seen him for years. I probably shouldn't … Read more on The Guardian
Pistorius trial: key facts on guns in South Africa
Filed under: What Are The Dangers Of Crack Cocaine
Police Chase Through Toney Hamlets Ends With 9 Charges Against Belmont Man
Police Chase Through Toney Hamlets Ends with 9 Charges Against Belmont Man
Filed under: buy crack cocaine online
He was charged with felonies of crack possession and falsifying physical evidence. Additionally, police in the New Hampshire case charged him with possession of drugs in a motor vehicle, simple assault on a police officer, resisting arrest and various … Read more on
Frederick man faces drug, gun charges
Filed under: buy crack cocaine online