My Brother Is Lost in His Alcohol Addiction…
My brother is lost in his alcohol addiction… – Teresa calls into KLEAN Radio to discuss her brother’s addiction to alcohol. For more information and live show times, go to: If yo…
Drug Addiction, Prescription Addiction, and Alcoholism: A New Understanding
Filed under: addiction to alcohol
I found myself in treatment for alcoholism discovering 12 step programs. Recovery of 28 years has given me wisdom and insights into prescription drug addiction and alcoholism. I did not consciously know that I was maladjusted to life, in full flight … Read more on GroundReport
Curling: Your New Olympic Addiction, Explained
Curling: Your New Olympic Addiction, Explained
Filed under: what is an addiction
Curling: Your New Olympic Addiction, Explained. Why are those people screaming at the little round things? Why are those other people sweeping the ice? Why have you been glued to the TV for three hours? Brett Singer explains curling. During the Winter … Read more on Daily Beast
1#Addicted 2…Selina Stone ft Charity Collier – 1# Define what is an addiction? Welcome to Addicted 2…. a new web series dealing with addiction recovery through the traditional methods and an holistic ap…
Philadelphia Rehabilitation Centers | Alcohol Rehabilitation Center
Philadelphia Rehabilitation Centers | Alcohol Rehabilitation Center – Philadelphia Rehabilitation Centers’s rehab program is comprised of detox, therapy, aftercare, and more for drug, alcohol, and…
Barbados launches drug treatment court this week
Filed under: drug abuse rehabilitation
A joint statement from the National Council on Substance Abuse (NCSA) and the OAS, said “drug treatment courts divert substance-abusing offenders from prison into treatment and rehabilitation programmes under judicial supervision.” It added that … Read more on
Philip Seymour Hoffman's death 'epitomizes' tragedy of drug addiction: doctor
BRF Grantees Discuss the Importance of Funding Research
BRF Grantees Discuss the Importance of Funding Research –
Heroin abuse at 'epidemic' level in South Florida –drug report
Filed under: research on drug addiction
"We're talking here about the mother of addictions," said James N. Hall, an epidemiologist at Nova Southeastern University who authored the report with 20 NIDA researchers nationwide who have met biannually since 1976 to track drug use trends. Read more on GlobalPost
What Should I Bring to an Addiction Rehab and Why
What Should I Bring To An Addiction Rehab And Why – This video was made to help addicts understand what to bring to an addiction rehab and why. For more information call Haw…
INVESTIGATION: How London dealers are 'commuting' to Cambridge in drugs …
Filed under: Drug Addiction To Crack Cocaine
London drug dealers are flocking to Cambridge to cash in on the high prices for heroin and crack cocaine, a News investigation has found. Pushers are commuting from the capital to sell drugs on the city streets to desperate addicts willing to pay extra … Read more on Cambridge News
Stop Having the Same Conversation Again and Again
Stop Having the Same Conversation Again and Again
Filed under: signs of addiction
In the worst of these scenarios, we become harvesters of politics, power, control, arrogance and egos that fill organizations with invisible signs that say, don't go there, you can't do this, you don't know that, save face, blame, protect, win at … Read more on Entrepreneur
Signs Of Addiction In Seniors – What are the warning signs for addiction in older people? Doctor Steven Ey, MD shares with American Health Journal some guidelines for the early warning sign…
Is This the Signs or Symptoms of Schizophrenia?
Question by Convicted: is this the signs or symptoms of schizophrenia?
i always hear voice’s in my head telling me what to do and insulting me swearing at me i also talk to my self in a loud way talking back to these words arguing its like there someone in my head telling me what to do and watching me what i do and when im alone i consistently see objects that are not their i get anixety and depression repetitive and when i see something on tv that is not good i laugh or smile i also have different personality’s like one day im normal then another day im moody cant sleep because these conversations my head tell me your going to die im coming after you and more.. and sometimes i feel like crying randomly for no particular reason then sometimes im happy it just goes along and when i talk to people im always starting fights and arguments…. is this schizophrenia? im going to see a doctor soon but just wont to noe a little bit about schizophrenia?
Two of America's Biggest Drug Problems Are Intertwined
Two Of America's Biggest Drug Problems Are Intertwined
Filed under: drug abuse in america
Behind the recent uptick in heroin deaths is a spike in the number of Americans abusing another kind of drug: prescription painkillers, which Hoffman reportedly abused before his problem escalated to include heroin. Dozens of deaths in Pennsylvania, … Read more on Huffington Post
“Nope It Ain’t My Dope!” Denial! Rap Song Original Lyrics – Visit Dr. MIller’s web sites to learn more about his books. He has written both non-fiction, and also an enlightening fiction story, about drug abuse. In a t…
Input Output Game
Vikings great Robert Smith meets alcoholism head-on
Filed under: addiction information
Near the end of his speech, he thanked with great emotion an employee assistance counselor who helped him overcome substance abuse when the wide receiver joined the Vikings in 1990 after being released by Philadelphia. After listening to Carter's … Read more on Pioneer Press
Bulletin Board
Filed under: addiction information
“Recovery” Just Looking for Others Opinions on “Drug Addiction”?
Question by trish m: “Recovery” Just looking for others opinions on “drug addiction”?
how many of you believe that 12 step programs work? and how many of you know someone who has given up everything that matters for their drug of choice? Just sincere answers please…
You have pointed out one of the main things that needs to be there “willingness” good job!
I’m an addict in recovery (5yrs) and I know each person is different. some just quit,others use AA/NA, and then some need a combo of the AA and therapy… One thing that all addicts lack is the ability to cope with life on life’s terms. If an addict doesn’t learn to cope then they tend to just switch addictions… from drugs to others i.e. eating, gambleing, workaholic, thank you guys for your answers and I’ll give this question till the end of the day..