Seven Decades of Life in Little Havana Unfold in 'Paradise Motel'
Seven decades of life in Little Havana unfold in 'Paradise Motel'
Filed under: addicted to crack cocaine
The raging winds of Hurricane Andrew thunder outside the room in 1992 when Alberto (Quiroga, here charismatic, menacing and oh-so-memorable) and Otto (Garranchan) share coke, crack, misogynistic rants and more. In 2000, meth-addicted prostitutes … Read more on
Lamar Odom Missing: NBA Star Reportedly Dealing With Drug Addiction – Lamar Odom and his wife, Khloe Kardashian, have allegedly been hiding his addiction for two years.
Prescription drug abuse on the rise
Public Records: Chillicothe Municipal Court
Public records: Chillicothe Municipal Court
Filed under: substance abuse counselor
Permitting drug abuse — Nicholas Morgan, 28, of 547 Orange St., guilty, fined $ 200 and court costs, sentenced to two-year probation and 29 days in Ross County Jail, ordered to complete alcohol and substance abuse counseling, driver's license suspended … Read more on Chillicothe Gazette
Indy Counselor Cites Rising Drug Abuse Among Seniors
Filed under: substance abuse counselor
Substance abuse currently affects about 17 percent of the senior population and by 2020, that figure is expected to double. Scott Watson of Heartland Intervention says alcohol and prescription drug abuse are the most prominent form of drug abuse in … Read more on 93.1 WIBC Indianapolis
Do We Really Want Another Cocaine Drug Abuser in Office?
Question by Peace: Do we really want another cocaine drug abuser in office?
JHD…of course he’s going to admit to it. He did it. He knew it was going to come out sooner or later, might as well admit it before someone else does.
Best answer:
Answer by The Pimp
Of course Democrats do.
Answer by JHD
Obama admitted to experimenting with cocaine and marijuana as a teen…about 1974-1979…30 years ago. Now all he uses is tobacco. Maybe we can convince him to stop!
Add your own answer in the comments!
NVBC 2014 Review – Tommy Oliver's Debut '1982' Provides a Platform for Hill …
NVBC 2014 Review – Tommy Oliver's Debut '1982' Provides A Platform For Hill …
Filed under: crack addictions
That's a given, and there isn't much complexity here in terms of the pitfalls of drug abuse as Leal turns in a good but obvious portrayal of crack addiction. If one had to pinpoint the main theme of the movie, or at the very least its most engaging … Read more on Indie Wire (blog)
XPmedia: Glory Clouds and Miracles! – When God shows up, way out supernatural things can happen. Receive an increased measure of these supernatural signs and wonders!
How Come Nicotine Is Not a Schedule I Substance?
Question by me: How come nicotine is not a schedule I substance?
Nicotine meets all the criteria for being a schedule substance:
– The drug or other substance has a high potential for abuse.
-The drug or other substance has no currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States.
– There is a lack of accepted safety for use of the drug or other substance under medical supervision.
Why is it not a schedule I substance or a II-V substance?? Isn’t it the one of the most addictive substances…? Why is THC labeled as a hallucinogen?
4Get the THC stuff, I don’t know why I added it in.
How Much Does a Typical 30 Day Inpatient Rehab Cost?
Question by tcahh12: how much does a typical 30 day inpatient rehab cost?
Any suggestions for a good treatment center in the southeast?
Best answer:
Answer by older
the state i live in has a state hospital with a rehab center and it is free. call the “AA” they can tell you
Answer by raysny
Far too much for what you get.
You don’t mention what you “need” rehab for. If you are physically addicted to alcohol or some other drugs, you may need detox or medical attention, see a doctor.
Clapton’s “Cocaine”?
Question by jd ma: Clapton’s “Cocaine”?
I’ve read the lyrics over and over. Is it about HIS love of cocaine or a WOMAN’S love of cocaine or about him trying to get this particular Coke Ho?
Best answer:
Answer by Paperbag Writer
Eric Clapton’s “Cocaine,” a cover version of a song by J. J. Cale, is an anti-drug abuse statement (contrary to popular belief). Here’s a quote from Clapton himself:
How to Love Life Even if You Have Depression
How To Love Life Even If You Have Depression
Filed under: effects of addiction
But if you don't genuinely love yourself, the effects will be short term. There is nothing ….. a> "We're beginning to realize that alcohol and drug addiction are biological illnesses, and it's not uncommon for people to suffer from several disorders … Read more on Huffington Post Canada
Affluent and Addicted to Drugs on Wall Street
Filed under: effects of addiction
Alcohol Drug Abuse…………..?
Question by Jenny: Alcohol drug abuse…………..?
I have to do a presentation tomorrow trying to appeal to my peers (high school) that alcohol drug abuse is bad. What are some good things or facts to say? (I’m just looking for more ideas)
Thank you.
bleh, it’s late
I meant
alcohol use abuse
Best answer:
Answer by Horsense
I am headed to bed, but you are welcome to research:
“What’s Wrong With Binge Drinking?”
“Alcohol Misuse and Health”
“Young People and Drugs”
“Drug Abuse . . .”:
– Who Takes Them?
– Why Do People Abuse Them?