crystal meth

Effects of Meth Use on Brain Metabolism, Sleep Studied

Effects of meth use on brain metabolism, sleep studied

Filed under: physical effects of meth use

Wisor-80 SPOKANE, Wash. – WSU sleep scientist Jonathan Wisor has received a grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to study the effects of chronic methamphetamine use on brain metabolism and sleep. The two-year, $ 395,577 grant comes from … Read more on WSU News


How Ravers Pioneered the Drug Trend That Killed Philip Seymour Hoffman

Filed under: physical effects of meth use

Feds Arrest Men in $48K Methamphetamine Deal

Feds arrest men in K methamphetamine deal

Filed under: what is meth amphetamine

Several men are facing federal charges after, agents said, they were caught at an Orlando business with roughly two pounds of crystal methamphetamine during a $ 48,000 undercover drug deal. The investigation began in February, when U.S. Drug … Read more on Orlando Sentinel


Police: Gang selling methamphetamine in Springfield, beyond

Filed under: what is meth amphetamine

Springfield police say in court documents that methamphetamine distribution in the city is being done by a gang called South West Honkeys. Other documents indicate officers in Lawrence County have already made an arrest in the gang's alleged drug … Read more on Springfield News-Leader

Random Testing Shows Majority of Corrections Officers Are Clean

Random testing shows majority of corrections officers are clean

Filed under: methamphetamine abuse symptoms

Paula? The arrests of two Halawa correctional officers earlier this year for allegedly smuggling crystal methamphetamine into the prison pointed to a perhaps bigger issue: Whether drug use is rampant among ACO's? Prison guard indicted for ice smuggling … Read more on KITV Honolulu


Wrongful death claim filed in El Centro in-custody death

Filed under: methamphetamine abuse symptoms

Negative Happiness

Negative Happiness

Filed under: signs of meth withdrawal

Drug addiction is a form of psychological ailment in which drugs — heroin, methamphetamine, crystal meth or even cigarettes and alcohol — cause unwanted changes in the brain and the behaviour of an addict. … Apart from cravings, they will suffer … Read more on Bangkok Post


Court Docket: Stockbridge man's no-contest plea stands, judge says

Filed under: signs of meth withdrawal

Hyperbole Hurts: The Surprising Truth About Methamphetamine

Hyperbole Hurts: The Surprising Truth About Methamphetamine

Filed under: meth addiction effects

“The data show that many of the immediate and long-term harmful effects caused by methamphetamine use have been greatly exaggerated,” Hart et al. write, “just as the dangers of crack cocaine were overstated nearly three decades ago.” (Image: The Meth … Read more on Forbes


Drug scourge hits hard with 12 labs busted since early 2013

Filed under: meth addiction effects

Crystal Meth Can Create Instant Addicts – and Kill

Crystal meth can create instant addicts – and kill

Filed under: side effects of meth users

"It gives you a very rapid high euphoric feeling, (but) you also come down the other side of this big peak and have a severe crash," Dr McIntosh said. "That's the … Sgt Dalton said hypersexuality and increased aggression were effects of the drug … Read more on Mackay Daily Mercury


The Most Badass Pop Culture Lego Sets You Won't Find in Stores

Filed under: side effects of meth users

SHOCK GREETED HIS ARREST: Ex-Lecturer, Former GM, He Had It All Until

SHOCK GREETED HIS ARREST: Ex-lecturer, former GM, he had it all until

Filed under: methamphetamine addiction recovery

In December 2010, he was busted for taking methamphetamine, also known as Ice. Today, Michael (not … He was in denial about his addiction at the time. "I met a … "In the early part of recovery, I'd watch documentaries and see people burning Ice in … Read more on Malaysia Chronicle


Warning: Always Take a Columnist's Advice at Your Own Risk

Filed under: methamphetamine addiction recovery

Horrifying Mugshots Show the Effects of Drugs and Drink

Horrifying mugshots show the effects of drugs and drink

Filed under: understanding crack addiction

The later images clearly show the effect drugs like heroin, crack, crystal meth, cocaine, and alcohol can have on the body. The left hand pictures were taken after the person started using drugs but clearly show the terrible slide into addiction and … Read more on Sunday World


House of Cards Season One Recap: Episodes 10–13: Rebellion on All Fronts

Filed under: understanding crack addiction

Sleepwalking the Walk

Sleepwalking the Walk

Filed under: what are the symptoms of meth use

“Is your child a raging alcoholic who finances his videogame habits by manufacturing and peddling crystal meth?” What?! “Oops … Sorry. My bad. These are the kind of questions I'm used to asking at this hour of the day.” After a quick set of … “He'll … Read more on


Police hope medicine limits will slow area meth use

Filed under: what are the symptoms of meth use

What Is Ice?

Question by foxracing: what is ice?
what does it do?
i ment the drug

Best answer:

Answer by katiee 14
is this a trick question?

Answer by Tatt
Crystal Methamphetamine

What is “ice”?
”Ice” is a street name for crystal methamphetamine hydrochloride, which is a powerful, synthetic stimulant drug. Stimulant drugs speed up the messages going to and from the brain.

Ice is more potent than other forms of amphetamines. It is more pure than the powder form of methamphetamine (“speed”).

Ice often appears as large, transparent and “sheet-like” crystals that may have a hint of pink, blue or green colour.