crack addict

Do You Think “Drug Addicts” and “Fat People” Should Be Entitled to Incapacity Benefits?

Question by Webmaster G: Do you think “drug addicts” and “fat people” should be entitled to incapacity benefits?
I personally think that for such people, it’s a fault they brought on themselves:
(1) druggies continue to use drugs after taking that first hit…
(2) fat or obese people keep buying fatty food or eating disproportionate amounts which help keep them fat.

What do you think? Should they be allowed to claim incapacity benefits? Or is there an alternative way of thinking i.e. a way to keep blessing them with tax payers money and therefore keep their bad habits alive? The govt. already showered those bad investment bankers with tax money and they haven’t changed one bit… maybe it’s all f***ed up.

The Great Hidden Secret: How 'the Anonymous People' Is Changing Recovery

The Great Hidden Secret: How 'The Anonymous People' is Changing Recovery

Filed under: crack addiction treatment

… and the anonymity that is central to 12-step programs. But it also looks at the growing movement of people in recovery who are coming out publicly to shed the stigma that Williams says is preventing an estimated 23 million addicts from getting … Read more on Juvenile Justice Information Exchange


New Book Provides Insight Into Drugs, Addiction and Murder

Filed under: crack addiction treatment

House of Cards: The New Media Crack for Netflix Addicts

House of Cards: The New Media Crack for Netflix Addicts

Filed under: what makes crack addictive

It only matters that it's addictive. Beyond the obvious ratings victory for Netflix, it is also a victory for “bingers.” Despite Cards' popularity, there is more than a little criticism that the show is just a soap opera for political junkies. But as … Read more on The Fiscal Times


Special report: The menace of meth

Filed under: what makes crack addictive

Addicted to Likes: How Social Media Feeds Our Neediness

Addicted to Likes: How Social Media Feeds Our Neediness

Filed under: what is crack addiction

“I rarely use hashtags,” another friend confessed, “but one day I randomly used one, and it started to get all these favorites and RTs from strangers and I felt like I cracked some code. And it felt good!” Over the course of an hour, he estimates he … Read more on New York Magazine


How to fight the heroin epidemic

Filed under: what is crack addiction

My Knee Makes a Small “pop/crack” Sound?

Question by Jsdfia: My knee makes a small “pop/crack” sound?
About 4-5 years ago when I was in high school, I was at playground with friends and jumped off something onto the ground and I felt something weird in my left knee but it didn’t hurt or anything. I’m 22 now. Over recent years, every time I bend my left leg, it makes a small “pop”, kinda like when you crack your knuckles. It doesn’t hurt or bother me in any way. But I also noticed that my left leg is shorter than my right. Is this affecting my growth? And could it affect my leg in other ways as I get older?

Broken Childhoods

Broken childhoods

Filed under: Crack Addiction Symptoms

Phoenix's life was also marred by the addictions of those around her. Her father was an occasional drunk. Her mother smoked crack. Treatment for addictions, already a complex emotional process, is spotty in Manitoba. There are long wait-lists, and … Read more on Winnipeg Free Press


Heroin: Trendy, dangerous, and available in Fulton County

Filed under: Crack Addiction Symptoms

Ironically, it is being sparked in part by a government effort to crack down on the abuse of prescription opiates, they believe. …. Users experience being “dope sick,” with symptoms that include nausea, headache, and an inability to concentrate … Read more on

Step Inside Reality TV With SOMETHING REAL

Step Inside Reality TV With SOMETHING REAL

Filed under: is crack addictive

I think maybe, "addictive," because that's the adjective I hear most. I'm assuming that's a good thing, although crack is addictive, too. Let's just decide "addictive" to describe Something Real is okay. Don't do crack. It's super bad for you. But do … Read more on Huffington Post (blog)


Heroin incidents increasing

Filed under: is crack addictive

Although crack cocaine is highly psychologically addictive, Tilley said heroin is physically addictive with an extremely painful withdrawal. Some addicts have even thanked Tilley for arresting them, in hopes a few days in jail will help break their … Read more on Beloit Daily News

For $5500, Own a Real American Express

For 00, Own A Real American Express

Filed under: crack cocaine names

AMC is presently where you watch the Walking Dead, but for those who remember it's also a long-dead automaker. Today's Nice Price or Crack Pipe AMX may need to be brought back from the dead, but based on its price, will you recommend potential … Read more on Jalopnik


Philip Seymour Hoffman's death prompts discussion of food addictions

Filed under: crack cocaine names

Why Do I Feel Guilty When I Masturbate but Not When I Have Sex?

Question by biomedic78: Why do I feel guilty when I masturbate but not when I have sex?
I am a heterosexual male. When I’m not getting laid regularly I masturbate and feel guilty about it afterwards. I feel like I have offended God and then I get depressed and it’s a downward spiral. I start thinking about how crapy everything is and get into a funk. However, when I have sex regularly, I don’t masturbate so I don’t feel guilty for that. I don’t feel guilty about having premarrital sex either. Everything seems great until I realize I don’t like the relationship anymore and want out. That’s never fun and if it takes a while to start a new relationship, it’s back to masturbation and depression. What gives?

5 Things the Disease Model Gets Wrong About Addiction

5 Things the Disease Model Gets Wrong About Addiction

Filed under: is crack addictive

It's not really (or at least not primarily) about the substance we choose: I relate much more to crack addicts talking about how they found God than to fellow alcoholics talking about self-actualization. There's a weirdly double-edged argument, which … Read more on The American Conservative


Yorkshire's gambling hot spot where the stakes can be huge

Filed under: is crack addictive