Odv-Narcotest Kit-Cocaine Hci and Crack
Odv-narcotest Kit-cocaine Hci and Crack
More economical than pouch-style tests, ODV NarcoTest Kits include up to two ampoules per test. The tube design is more compact, for easy transport and storage when not in use. The top ampoule is attached to the cap to simplify the process of inserting sample into the bottom of the tube. Made from high-quality polypropylene plastic to prevent glass from puncturing the tube during normal use.
List Price: $ 30.00
Price: $ 30.00
Effects of Crack Cocaine: Know About the Dangerous Effects of Crack Cocaine on Unborn Fetus
Cocaine is regarded as one of the most dangerous illicit drugs of abuse throughout the world. According to NSDUH (National Survey on drug Use and Health) 2009, there were about 1.6 million Cocaine users in America. ‘Crack’ Cocaine is more potent and powerful form of Cocaine. It increases the effects of the drug on the user and is significantly more dangerous than regular Cocaine abuse. An increasing number of people are getting addicted to Crack Cocaine due to its highly addictive nature. Around 94,000 people initiated Crack Cocaine in 2009.
Brazil: Drug Dealers Say No to Crack in Rio
Brazil: Drug dealers say no to crack in Rio
Filed under: Crack Cocaine Statistics 2011
In the glow of a weak light bulb, customers pawed through packets of powdered cocaine and marijuana priced at $ 5, $ 10, $ 25. Teenage boys with semiautomatic weapons … Dealers shake their heads, insisting it was their decision to stop selling crack … Read more on WAND