cocaine addict

Philip Seymour Hoffman and Hollywood's Drug Addiction: Why Did Nobody Care

Philip Seymour Hoffman and Hollywood's drug addiction: Why did nobody care

Filed under: cocain abuse

High School Musical star Zac Efron was also in rehab last year, reportedly fighting a cocaine addiction. Such is the prevalence of drugs that a celebrity needs to be hospitalised or have a run-in with the law for the story to break in the quality press. Read more on The Independent


Heroin is here

Filed under: cocain abuse

Ski, Don't Gamble

Ski, don't gamble

Filed under: food addiction treatment

There's also a treatment centre to handle addicts to the nearby casino. DRIVING into Gohan-eup, in South …. Incidentally, Gangwon Land doesn't rely on free food or alcohol to lure guests, a fallback strategy of many casinos. Complimentary juice and … Read more on The Star Online


Texas Addiction Rehab Center – – We are here to serve those with drug and alcohol addiction by way of recommending the best quality addiction treatment for …


7 Things You Probably Didn't Know About Clinical Trials

3 Decades of Westwood's Bart Bratcher

3 decades of Westwood's Bart Bratcher

Filed under: Cure For Crack Cocaine Addiction

It's good that happened, because everything else was a bummer that year: The Challenger explosion, Chernobyl nuclear disaster and crack cocaine epidemic. On the bright side, “The Oprah Winfrey Show” debuted. 1987: Bratcher leads Westwood to a … Read more on Austin American-Statesman


Host admits she’s a crack fiend – Host admits she’s a crack fiend.


'Just Say Know': We Need More Drugs Education

'Just say know': we need more drugs education

Filed under: Long Term Effects Of Crack Cocaine Addiction

As the atheist ex-presenter of a defunct BBC religious affairs programme (The Heaven and Earth Show) my demise came not because of my lack of belief, but my comparison of the appearance of an ingredient in Greek Easter bread to crack cocaine … Read more on


Former lieutenant governor benched

Filed under: Long Term Effects Of Crack Cocaine Addiction

Baby Present When Parents Sold Crack: Police

Baby Present When Parents Sold Crack: Police

Filed under: Crack Cocaine Addicted Babies

Police arrested a man and a woman Friday after the pair sold crack cocaine in front of their children, including a 5-week-old infant. Officers say they charged Henry P. Jones Jr. and Tenielle Fenderson of Walnut Street in Camden with drug-related … Read more on NBC 10 Philadelphia


Let Them Eat Candy

Filed under: Crack Cocaine Addicted Babies

Leonardo DiCaprio: I Grew Up 'Very Poor' Surrounded by Crack Cocaine and

Leonardo DiCaprio: I grew up 'very poor' surrounded by crack cocaine and

Filed under: crack cocaine abuse

'Never done [drugs],' The Wolf Of Wall Street star told the Los Angeles Times, explaining how he was put off experimenting after his exposure to crack cocaine and heroin abuse. 'That's because I saw this stuff literally every day when I was three or … Read more on Metro – Verissimo’s Story – To the outsider he appeared to function normally. But behind the scenes, Verissimo was a full-blown cocaine addict. Once a successful businessman earning six…

Drug Legalization Claims Are Cloudy

Drug legalization claims are cloudy

Filed under: crack cocaine addiction stories

But the data do make one thing clear: If the goal of the war on drugs is to limit demand for drugs, then you can't say the authorities are losing. According to federally sponsored surveys that track drug usage, the rate of current-month powder and … Read more on Washington Post


Is harm reduction the best way to fight addiction?

Filed under: crack cocaine addiction stories

Crack Babies and Problems?

Question by : Crack Babies and Problems?
Do crack babies crave drugs as they get older? Are they more likely for diseases?

Will they need drugs to survive when they’re older?

I’m trying to find information but I can’t find these answers anywhere on the net.

Best answer:

Answer by SARAH V
No tellin if they would use it, but they’ll already be addicted to it.

Why Do I Feel Guilty When I Masturbate but Not When I Have Sex?

Question by biomedic78: Why do I feel guilty when I masturbate but not when I have sex?
I am a heterosexual male. When I’m not getting laid regularly I masturbate and feel guilty about it afterwards. I feel like I have offended God and then I get depressed and it’s a downward spiral. I start thinking about how crapy everything is and get into a funk. However, when I have sex regularly, I don’t masturbate so I don’t feel guilty for that. I don’t feel guilty about having premarrital sex either. Everything seems great until I realize I don’t like the relationship anymore and want out. That’s never fun and if it takes a while to start a new relationship, it’s back to masturbation and depression. What gives?

Let’s Play Red Dead Redemption Part 78, a Cabin in the Woods

Let’s Play Red Dead Redemption part 78, A cabin in the woods – Disclaimer: Red Dead Redemption does not belong to me. It belongs to Rockstar Games and Rockstar San Diego. This LP is for entertainment purposes only) We m…


Hooked on heroin: Drug's use is on the rise

Filed under: cocaine addictive

“We normally see heroin in addition to other substances such as cocaine or alcohol,” she said. Heroin is derived from the opium poppy, and is a white powdery mix or a brown tar-like substance. “It is such an addictive drug,” Gray said. “If you are a … Read more on Bloomington Pantagraph