Bristol Crown Court: 'No Second Chance' Warning to Sneak Thief
Bristol Crown Court: 'No second chance' warning to sneak thief
Filed under: Crack Cocaine Addiction Stories
A DRUG addict who stole from his mother to buy crack cocaine and heroin has been offered drug rehabilitation assessment. Jack Pickering, 29, of Wick Road, Brislington, sneaked into his mum Jean's house on the same road, took her debit card and withdrew … Read more on Bristol Post
Toronto Mayor Rob Ford mocked for daylight savings flub
Filed under: Crack Cocaine Addiction Stories
New Christian Songs – John Michael McGee
New Christian Songs – John Michael McGee – Praise, worship, penitence, and lament. John Michael McGee is a great musical talent and severe crack cocaine addict. I was able to get him to set aside his …
US: Surveillance Practices Violate Rights
Filed under: crack cocaine addict
… the US Supreme Court eliminated the sentence of life without parole in certain cases involving youth offenders, and the federal government has passed legislation to reduce excessively harsh and racially disparate drug sentencing for crack cocaine … Read more on Human Rights Watch
Can You Smoke Crack While Pregnant?
Question by : Can You smoke crack while pregnant?
Why not?? Its being learned that crack is better then we all thought before.
Many recall that “crack babies,” or babies born to mothers who used crack cocaine while pregnant, were at one time written off by many as a lost generation. They were predicted to suffer from severe, irreversible damage, including reduced intelligence and social skills. It was later found that this was a gross exaggeration. However, the fact that most of these children appear normal should not be overinterpreted as indicating that there is no cause for concern. Using sophisticated technologies, scientists are now finding that exposure to cocaine during fetal development may lead to subtle, yet significant, later deficits in some children, including deficits in some aspects of cognitive performance, information-processing, and attention to tasks, abilities that are important for success in school
The Ocean of Natural High
The Ocean of Natural High
Filed under: am i addicted to cocaine
By Josh Planos – Mar 6th, 2014 at 8:08 am. Previous … One night he relapsed, went back to cocaine – his heart ceased beating in the back seat of a police cruiser. Jennifer … Doctors would later say that it was very likely linked to his drug … Read more on FanSided
UFC 170 Fight Card & Updates: Thiago Silva Addicted to Cocaine, Says Wife
Filed under: am i addicted to cocaine
Celebrities and Heroin Addiction: How It Happens
Celebrities and Heroin Addiction: How It Happens
Filed under: coccaine addiction
The addiction experts noted that while cocaine has a reputation for being appealing to business people for its ability give them energy and focus, heroin's appeal is that it allows users to escape reality, a temptation for some in high-stress or highly … Read more on ABC News
Like Water: Marvin Gaye's Influence in The District
Filed under: coccaine addiction
Baby Boomer Generation Faces Drink and Drugs Warning
Baby boomer generation faces drink and drugs warning
Filed under: Faces Of Crack Cocaine Addiction
According to a report released by the charity DrugScope today in which it warns of a 'silent epidemic', while the number of people treated for the use of drugs like heroin and crack cocaine is falling in the population as a whole, numbers are rising … Read more on The Independent
'If you are an alcoholic': Jimmy Kimmel offers Rob Ford advice after scathing …
Filed under: Faces Of Crack Cocaine Addiction
Scutari's Bill Drop Imminent and a Gazillion Marijuana Myths
Scutari's Bill Drop Imminent and a Gazillion Marijuana Myths
Filed under: Crack Cocaine Addicts Before And After
The old "Gateway" canard has been used to justify our failed War of Drugs my whole life. We've all heard it. This false notion — pot is a Gateway drug — is usually based on anecdotal evidence: some addiction stories do in fact begin with marijuana use. Read more on PolitickerNJ
Rob Ford's Re-Election Team Upset Over 'Jimmy Kimmel Live!' Ambush (Report)
Filed under: Crack Cocaine Addicts Before And After
Man to Be Sentenced in Bridgeport Triple Killing
Man to be sentenced in Bridgeport triple killing
Filed under: Signs Of Crack Cocaine Addiction
Authorities say Johnson and three other men beat the victims to death in Tina Johnson's Bridgeport apartment in 2005, because Tina Johnson was selling crack cocaine on the drug turf of Efrain Johnson's co-defendant, Azibo Aquart, without permission … Read more on Norwich Bulletin
Five arrested in separate drug investigations
Filed under: Signs Of Crack Cocaine Addiction
"City" Drug Now Making Its Way to Rural Towns, Lawmakers Stepping In
"City" Drug Now Making Its Way To Rural Towns, Lawmakers Stepping In
Filed under: crack addiction photos
Tuesday, a new heroin task force was formed, aimed at creating bold new laws to crack down on heroin abuse. Heroin has been known as a city drug, but Christian County Sheriff Bruce Kettelkamp says his office has seen an … I realize that there are a … Read more on WICS-TV
Grey overcomes obstacles to earn Scouts honor
Filed under: crack addiction photos
Climate Change
Climate Change
Filed under: Effects Of Crack Cocaine Addiction
Climate change is the new phrase to replace “global warming,” because of the criticism its proponents have taken when the weather phenomenon, they sometimes highlighted as an effect, was anything but warm. In spite of this …. She did this, so she … Read more on Canada Free Press
Just Say No To These 11 Outrageous Arguments Against Legalizing Marijuana
Filed under: Effects Of Crack Cocaine Addiction