Is “addicting” a Word?
Question by christopher_kirchen: Is “addicting” a word?
I always thought the word was “addictive”; is this a new word that has been added on to our lexicon merely by use, or is it an actual word I was not aware of?
shorty, ain’t, and f**k are in the dictionary too; that doesn’t make them proper words.
Best answer:
Answer by Purple Helen
According to the Oxford English Dictionary, both addicting and addictive are correct adjectives.
Answer by Brother Otter
Yup. It is a transitive verb.
Addictive is an adjective.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
NVBC 2014 Review – Tommy Oliver's Debut '1982' Provides a Platform for Hill …
NVBC 2014 Review – Tommy Oliver's Debut '1982' Provides A Platform For Hill …
Filed under: crack addictions
That's a given, and there isn't much complexity here in terms of the pitfalls of drug abuse as Leal turns in a good but obvious portrayal of crack addiction. If one had to pinpoint the main theme of the movie, or at the very least its most engaging … Read more on Indie Wire (blog)
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A Humorous Late Night Look Back at Obamacare
A Humorous Late Night Look Back At Obamacare
Filed under: Signs Of Crack Cocaine Addiction
Experts say you can tell it's a scam site if you enter your information and it quickly and efficiently signs you up for healthcare.” – Conan O'Brien … And Toronto Mayor Rob Ford, who admitted to smoking crack cocaine, went up to 49 percent. How does … Read more on Forbes
For 500, Let The Cargasm Commence
Filed under: Signs Of Crack Cocaine Addiction
Women Openly Smoke Crack Cocaine on Dublin Bus
Women openly smoke crack cocaine on Dublin bus
Filed under: is cocaine really addictive
The drug can cause damage and addiction in people who only inhale it passively. Crack cocaine gets its name because as it burns it makes a crackling noise and is usually smoked in a pipe. Its effects are immediate with the drug hitting the blood stream … Read more on Irish Independent
Telford store worker stole from tills to fund cocaine habit
Filed under: is cocaine really addictive
How Does Cocaine Effects the Different Parts of the Brain?
Question by pingping: how does cocaine effects the different parts of the brain?
what is dopamine? how does cocaine effects the different parts of the brain?
Best answer:
Oscars 2014: Live!
Oscars 2014: Live!
Filed under: Crack Cocaine Addiction Documentary
1.05pm: Phin: And thank you, Ellen DeGeneres, for show us the pitfalls of having an Oscar host who doesn't have a cocaine habit. Someone get her a redbull, stat! … 1.02pm: Phin: I still think the One Direction documentary was robbed. Robbed, I tell you. Read more on TODAYonline
More Pot, Less Cocaine: Sizing Up America's Illicit Drug Market
More Pot, Less Cocaine: Sizing Up America's Illicit Drug Market
Filed under: crack cocaine addiction signs
Cocaine use has gone down; marijuana use has gone up. Meth peaked in the middle of the … For example, while RAND's best estimate of U.S. spending on cocaine (including crack) in 2010 is $ 28 billion, it pegs the range as $ 18 billion to $ 44 billion … Read more on Businessweek (blog)
General Sessions: Week of March 10-14
Filed under: crack cocaine addiction signs
Boyfriend Charged in Suspected Drug Death
Boyfriend charged in suspected drug death
Filed under: help for cocaine addiction
MANKATO — A girl who died after ingesting what investigators suspect was a synthetic form of LSD or cocaine was showing signs of an overdose hours before anyone called for help, according to a complaint charging her boyfriend with selling the drugs to … Read more on Mankato Free Press
Addiction questions – Email me any questions you have about addictions. I’ve been there and remember the pain of having addictions. I would love to help you if I can,
Is Cocaine Really That Bad?
Question by : Is cocaine really that bad?
All my life everyone had told me not to do drugs and how “addictive” they are. But to me it doesn’t seem like some are. Cocaine, for example. I know people, who do cocaine. They are normal teenagers, they go to school and some are even in academic classes. My friend, told me he does cocaine about twice a month. If it’s so addictive, wouldn’t he need to do it every day? Soo my question basically is, is it even addictive?
Best answer:
Police: Plains Twp. Woman Addicted to Crack Cocaine Broke Into Apartment
Police: Plains Twp. woman addicted to crack cocaine broke into apartment
Filed under: Cocaine Vs Crack
A Plains Township woman with a crack cocaine addiction broke into an apartment through the basement, only to be forced back down the stairs by the man who lived there, Edwardsville police said. Kayla R. Ragugini, 23, of 10 Rose Ave., was charged on … Read more on Citizens Voice
toronto chics jasion 2 – Toronto Chics visiting La stumble upon the Weedman and he gives them a tour.