cocaine abuse

Westport Police Reports

Westport Police Reports

Filed under: signs of crack cocaine abuse

Officers located a large number of counterfeit $ 100 bills in the vehicle in addition to a quantity of crack cocaine. During the investigation it was determined that the suspects passed these counterfeit bills in both Westport and surrounding communities. Read more on Minuteman News Center


Sarasota Sheriff's Office: Gregory Wagner brings child to buy drugs

Filed under: signs of crack cocaine abuse

Use of Force at Meriden Police Station Under Investigation

Use Of Force At Meriden Police Station Under Investigation

Filed under: Information On Crack Cocaine Abuse

He acted erratically, seemed paranoid and admitted to having smoked crack cocaine and swallowing cocaine, police said. The man flailed about. He screamed about forgiveness and yelled that people were watching him as medics and police placed him in … Read more on Hartford Courant


Swap out soda to take control of your teeth

Filed under: Information On Crack Cocaine Abuse

Cocaine Addiction Stopping That Makes a Differance – 1-855-885-8651

cocaine addiction stopping that makes a differance – 1-855-885-8651 – Are you or a Family member Continuallystruggle with Cocaine Addiction, we can provide help with addiction inpatient treatment. Cocaine Abuse hurts the Whole …


'I Do Not Use Crack Cocaine': Ford Ends Week of Silence on Crack Video Scandal

'I do not use crack cocaine': Ford ends week of silence on crack video scandal

Filed under: crack cocaine abuse

"I do not use crack cocaine, nor am I an addict of crack cocaine," Ford said in his 31/2-minute statement. "I cannot comment on a video that I have never seen or does not exist." Saying the past week had taken a toll on his family and friends, the … Read more on Victoria Times Colonist


Ford denies use of crack cocaine

Filed under: crack cocaine abuse

Toronto Mayor Rob Ford Allegedly Smoked Crack Cocaine: What Are the

Toronto Mayor Rob Ford Allegedly Smoked Crack Cocaine: What Are the

Filed under: Crack Cocaine Symptoms Of Abuse

Toronto mayor Rob Ford has been accused of crack cocaine abuse. While there is no evidence aside from an unreleased video, the politician has a history of aggressive and erratic behavior that fits certain symptoms of addiction. By Ashik Siddique | May … Read more on Medical Daily


Man Sentenced to Life Imprisonment

Man sentenced to life imprisonment

Filed under: long term cocaine abuse

Reportedly, because of his prior felony drug convictions, Davis faces a mandatory minimum term of life imprisonment. His sentencing hearing is scheduled for August 5, 2013. According to testimony and evidence presented, Davis engaged in a year-long … Read more on WTSP 10 News


Frankie Dettori blames Godolphin downgrade for drugs test shame

Filed under: long term cocaine abuse

Court: Law Applying Crack Sentences Retroactive

Court: Law applying crack sentences retroactive

Filed under: crack cocaine abuse

People convicted of crack cocaine offenses have a right to resentencing hearings under a 2010 law that lessened penalties for possession and dealing, the U.S. 6th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled Friday. The decision to expand the Fair Sentencing Act to … Read more on Lexington Herald Leader


Video: Rob Ford calls crack cocaine allegations 'ridiculous' – The Windsor Star

Filed under: crack cocaine abuse

Cocaine Abuse

Cocaine abuse – crazy drug dealer waste about a half oz of coke.


FDA allows generic forms of Endo Health's Opana ER painkiller

Filed under: forms of cocaine

Prescription drug abuse leads to more deaths in the United States than heroin and cocaine combined, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The company had argued that its reformulated version of Opana ER, a powerful opioid … Read more on Reuters


Colombia: A Vibrant Country on the Cusp of a Revolution in Arts and Tech

Stop Cocaine Addiction That Makes a Differance – 1-855-885-8651

stop cocaine addiction that makes a differance – 1-855-885-8651 – Are you or a Loved one Continually battle with Cocaine Addiction, we can provide help with addiction inpatient treatment. Cocaine Abuse harms the Whole Famil…


Cocaine Addiction Intervention That Works – 1-855-885-8651

cocaine addiction intervention that works – 1-855-885-8651 – Do you or a friend Continuallyfight with Cocaine Addiction, we can provide help with addiction inpatient treatment. Cocaine Abuse Hinders the entire Family. …