addiction recovery

Addiction Recovery & Yoga to Being a Whole Self Recovered

Addiction Recovery & Yoga to being a whole self recovered – Testimonial by JJ after the Whole Self Recovery Program. Facilitated journeys of healing and rejuvenation using an alternative to those who seek something other than the traditional recovery…


Addiction Recovery: Monitoring Program at Clarity Way

Addiction Recovery: Monitoring Program at Clarity Way – After completing treatment for alcohol and drug abuse, a monitoring program helps to improve successful recovery through direct accountability. Our recovery …


How Can I Tell if I Need Extra Help With Addiction Recovery?

How can I tell if I need extra help with addiction recovery? – The need for extra help is a very personal decision. I, of course, as a mental health professional think that extra help is always useful. If you were on a d…


Wait may get longer for help with addiction

Filed under: help with addiction

Two local treatment agencies expect to see increased demand as more people gain health coverage under the Affordable Care Act in 2014, but they're not in a financial position to expand. The Prairie Center, which provides drug and alcohol treatment for … Read more on Champaign/Urbana News-Gazette

Crack Addiction !!! How Difficult Is It to Kick This Habit ?

Question by Maka: Crack addiction !!! How difficult is it to kick this habit ?
I’m a volunteer working with addicts. Give me some insight.
Done it for five years – addicts don’t like it when we tell them you have to do it yourself. we can’t do it for you

Best answer:

Answer by Johnny B
Well, first off it is no habit. It is addictive chemicals that go into the brain. And when people stop doing the drug, the brain basically says that it wants more of the substance and therefore begins to make people have cravings to do it again. And these cravings go on usually until A. they are no longer addicted or B. They try it again, and make their body more addicted.

West Mercia Offenders Twice as Likely to Be Sent to Prison

West Mercia offenders twice as likely to be sent to prison

Filed under: crack addictions

The charity has now called on magistrates to issue more community sentences in a bid to crack down on reoffending rates instead of relying on prison sentences. Chief executive Frances Crook said people convicted in England and Wales faced a 'postcode … Read more on Redditch Standard


How To Add Voice Mail To Your WordPress Site Or Any Website – If you enjoyed this video..please visit for more and to join my 7 Day Internet Marketing bootcamp.

4/11 Ibogaine as Treatment for Addiction

4/11 Ibogaine as treatment for addiction – From Hattie Wells assists in administering ibogaine treatment as a means of relieving addiction. In this interview, she talks a…


OP-ED: Helping with addiction, mental health – San Mateo Daily Journal

Filed under: treatment for addiction

Our co-occurring addiction recovery program targets any other psychiatric conditions that need stabilization to support quality sobriety and reduce the chance of relapse. Such targeted treatment in a gender-specific environment helps our clients escape … Read more on San Mateo Daily Journal


Greenville Police, Doctors, Counselors: Prescription Pill Abuse Skyrocketing

Greenville Police, Doctors, Counselors: Prescription Pill Abuse Skyrocketing

Filed under: crack addiction recovery

Greenville police say heroin is replacing crack and cocaine as the popular street drug. Doctors and drug counselors in the … A 50-year-old Greenville man who wanted to remain anonymous spoke to WITN while attending group therapy at PORT Human … Read more on WITN


Ohio overdose deaths hit another record high

Filed under: crack addiction recovery

Health Law Expands Treatment for Addicts in Va. –

Health law expands treatment for addicts in Va. –

Filed under: abuse and addiction

"This is going to make a world of difference," said Marjorie Yates, associate director for Substance Abuse and Addiction Recovery Alliance of Virginia, an advocacy group with affiliates statewide and operates a recovery support center in Richmond using … Read more on NECN


Prescription Drugs: Abuse and Addiction-This Could Be YOU! – Just because the drug is prescribed, doesn’t mean it’s not doing any harm! or 972-420-1293.


33000 Wisconsin addicts soon to be eligible for insurance

Quality Alcohol Addiction Recovery

Quality Alcohol Addiction Recovery – Helping People For Their Future Career- Quality Alcohol Addiction Recovery Programs. – http://www.alcoholaddictionrec…


Crack Attack (Nicks Hollywood Stories)

Crack Attack (Nicks Hollywood Stories) – Nick has just arrived to Hollywood California and in less than a month has already stirred up some trouble. His First story is about him selling crack cocain…


NJ teen accused of raping local woman

Filed under: Crack Cocaine Addiction Recovery

The woman, who described herself to police as a recovering drug addict, said she managed to bolt from the apartment and knock on other doors in the building at 1 Wall St., located behind the Springfield town offices. Police said a resident let her call … Read more on Rutland Herald