On the Show “Intervention” Why Do They Allow the People to Use the Drugs With the Cameras? Arent the Drugs…?

Question by LBs Bestt: On the show “Intervention” why do they allow the people to use the drugs with the cameras? arent the drugs…?
illegal? i was watching one the other day about someone who was abusing crack/cocaine and they showed her actually using it.

Best answer:

Answer by Allen’s Mom
While it is illegal to posses the drugs that the person is using, it is not illegal to film it. The producers and cameramen are not law enforcement so they cannot arrest the individual. Also, they are not legally responsible for alerting the police of the drugs.

“Intervention” shows the actual drug use for specific purposes. They need the audience to get the full effect of the drugs and the habit.

Answer by advice guru and mom
Yeah I notice that too…. you would think they would be immediately arrested since it is being recorded right they have proof… I think that is like saying wanna be a crack head or heroine addict go on reality tv we will pay you to use it then get you help what the heck huh that is messed up. Sober house is the same way that one crazy guy who is always screwed up forgot his name lol

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