Marijuana Users Will Be Arrested in Washington State – Regulation Isn’t Legalization

Marijuana Users Will Be Arrested in Washington State – Regulation Isn’t Legalization – Police confronted rather confused individuals in Seattle who mistakenly thought it was suddenly ok to smoke pot, (and publically at that). What many don’t realize, is that the new laws are actually intended to stop pot use, and make *users* more of a target for arrests. Important information for everyone: What the new laws really are about: “Legalization” (actually “regulation”) initiatives in two states, Washington State, and Colorado, I502 and Ammendment 64 , are (maybe surprisingly to some) considered by voters for it, and select local law enforcement, to be efforts to stop pot use and drug abuse more effectively than what many voters felt were ineffective (current) measures. The initiatives do in effect make it easier [for police] to arrest the actual users. A few from the “pro-pot” crowd have caught on to this, (after initially thinking it was literally decriminalization), and have since been the main opponents of these “legalization” initiatives after realizing what the refined initiatives actually stated. Other opponents feared that those who read headlines feel this could potentially send mixed messages to kids, as well as conflict with federal laws, as it takes focus off of possession (hence the term “legalization”), but puts more focus on combating usage. Voters have apparently decided to try this new approach by voting on these new initiatives (I-502 and Ammendment 64) which give police more tools and angles to use to combat drug abuse, as well as to fund anti


Marijuana Not High Obama Priority

Filed under: marijuana drug abuse

"My attitude is, substance abuse generally is not good for our kids, not good for our society. "I want to discourage drug use," he added. While the administration has not prioritized prosecutions of marijuana users and small-scale distributors in … Read more on ABC News


Local leaders differ on marijuana laws

Filed under: marijuana drug abuse

Guidroz, a 40-year law enforcement veteran, said sometimes people will soak the drug in substances like phencyclidine (commonly known as PCP) or embalming fluid for an enhanced high. Such substance abuse is significantly more dangerous. "Marijuana … Read more on Opelousas Daily World