Jo Martin: Sugar Can Be Like an Addiction

Jo Martin: Sugar can be like an addiction

Filed under: withdrawal symptoms from cocaine

Other trials have shown that laboratory rats, once made sugar-dependEnt, will actively choose sugar over cocaine as a reward. Avena also believes that some people are so sugar-addicted that "coming off it" can cause withdrawal symptoms. So why are we, … Read more on Nottingham Post (blog)



Filed under: withdrawal symptoms from cocaine

(By comparison, about 20 percent of cocaine users become addicted). NIDA reported that nearly 4.2 million people abused pot or had an addiction problem in 2011, according to Fox News. Alcoholics can suffer from the following withdrawal symptoms: … Read more on


Super Bowl XLVIII: Hype Week Is A Popcorn Fart, Somebody Do Something

Filed under: withdrawal symptoms from cocaine

As soon as the AFC and NFC title games are over, most of us would like to see the Super Bowl played the following week because, quite frankly football is a drug and one week without it starts causing withdrawal symptoms. The Pro Bowl doesn't satisfy … Read more on Houston Press (blog)


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