Is Weed Really as Dangerous as Everyone Makes It Out to Be?

Question by Marie: Is weed really as dangerous as everyone makes it out to be?
I obviously dont smoke, nor do I plan on doing so, I just wonder though if its really as bad for you as everyone claims, or is it just hype? And if it is bad, give reasons as to why? Thanks!

Best answer:

Answer by James Jones
It makes people lazy. However, its ill effects do not exceed those of alcohol or tobacco.

>>weed does not MAKE people lazy, it’s just when you start smoking alllll day everyday is when laziness sets in.<< Right so you just admitted that it does. I didn't specify an amount. If smoking weed all day everyday makes you lazy then weed makes people lazy.

Answer by AdamB
Not as bad as other drugs, however anytime you burn something and inhale it you are inhaling carcinogens.

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