Is This the Signs or Symptoms of Schizophrenia?

Question by Convicted: is this the signs or symptoms of schizophrenia?
i always hear voice’s in my head telling me what to do and insulting me swearing at me i also talk to my self in a loud way talking back to these words arguing its like there someone in my head telling me what to do and watching me what i do and when im alone i consistently see objects that are not their i get anixety and depression repetitive and when i see something on tv that is not good i laugh or smile i also have different personality’s like one day im normal then another day im moody cant sleep because these conversations my head tell me your going to die im coming after you and more.. and sometimes i feel like crying randomly for no particular reason then sometimes im happy it just goes along and when i talk to people im always starting fights and arguments…. is this schizophrenia? im going to see a doctor soon but just wont to noe a little bit about schizophrenia?

Best answer:

Answer by Soul
yes it is

Answer by Cody
Sounds more like bi-polar disorder.
70% of high school students in the 90’s thought they heard voices when really it’s just normality. Talk to a psychologist.

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