Is There a Way to Shorten the Time Your Pupils Stay Dilated on Ecstasy?
Question by Vanda: Is there a way to shorten the time your pupils stay dilated on ecstasy?
Interested in the biology behind pupil dilation, what makes eyes stay dilated so long and is there a way to shorten the time they stay dilated.
Best answer:
Answer by Be More
The pupils are dilated because ecstasy is a stimulant. Stimulants “stimulate” your body, senses included. The pupil dilate and constrict typically in response to light. However, in a situation where you have activation of the sympathetic nervous system, the pupils dilate. The reasoning is that the body is gearing up for a “fight or flight” type response. Dilated pupils allow in more light, which improves your vision. Other things that happen is that your heart rate goes up to pump more blood to your muscles, and blood gets pulled away from kidneys and gut (which is why you rarely get hungry on ecstasy) to further give more blood to the vital organs and muscles.
So in terms of making the time shorten…you really can’t. It’s part of the response the drug has in the body.
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