Is It Possible That I Cannot Get Addicted to Things? 10 Points?
Question by Tommy: is it possible that i cannot get addicted to things? 10 points?
so ive done many things not going to list them. i know my limits and what not. ive done things more than a few times, many people would be addicted after doing things as long i have then main thing i do is ritalin or dexadrine but thats because they were prescribed for me. I know that if you have ADHD like me that the meds are harder to get addicted to whereas someone without it would get addicted much easier. but ive done them for a long time and most people would be aaddicted but i show no signs of addiction. i researched it and there was a study done on cocaine users and the ones with abnormally large frontal lobes showed no signs of addiction and the ones with normal frontal lobes showed addiction signs. i want to get a brain scan to see if my frontal lobes are bigger than most but im just doing this until i can find a way to get the scan. the frontal lobes are the part of the brain that have control the self control aspect and i have a lot of self control believe me. so yeah answers please
Best answer:
Answer by Itsme
Just because its common to get addicted to these substances doesn’t mean its a guaranteed result, many people are able to use medication responsibly and not be addicted. This is just how your brain works, its not weird or bad.
Answer by ggraves1724
Ordinarily I don’t answer questions like these, but I am compelled because I also had the same thoughts in my younger years. I’ve literally used just about every conceivable illegal drug I could get my hands on for nearly 30 years (ended over 15 years ago), speed, including Dexedrine was my preferred drug(s) of choice at first. As a rule early on, I made the determination that no matter how I felt about speeding I would always eat, even though sometimes it would make me feel ill. Eventually I convinced myself that eating on a regular basis is what keep me from the addiction. When Cocaine and Meth became widespread I thought for sure I would become addicted but again that never happened, however the physical damage from those two forced me to consider different methods of ingesting. Once I learned that intravenous solved that problem I again felt that the problem was solved. To my surprise using the needle eventually lead to Heroine! Finally with a lot of soul searching and good family and friends I realized that just because I wasn’t in a rehab center didn’t mean I wasn’t addicted and worked hard resisting drugs which took about two years. An incredible realization finally came to me after one year of being drug free… I was addicted the entire time and just refused to admit it to myself. I referred to this time in my life as a “functioning addict”.
I know this probably sounds like a clip from an addiction series but it’s the truth and I can’t tell you how many times I thought of how much precious time and money I spent on personal pleasure with those who could care less about my life including myself. Just can’t imagine the opportunities missed or lost because I was stoned. No matter what, give yourself a chance at some point to verify what I am saying but do it because you want too not because of a story you read in Yahoo:)
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