If Guns Are Legal Why Not Marijuana?

Question by Elston gunn: If guns are legal why not marijuana?
Marjiuana is illegal because of its harmful effects. Yet it has not been implicated in any deaths as the primary cause.
Guns are legal, and they cause around 30,000 deaths annually. What is the logic behind the illegality of marijuana then? There are many things that cause more harm than marijuana and are legal. Is it because people in power are afraid of substances that would alter people’s perception?
Someone will answer “… the 2nd amendment” I’m talking ethics, not the constitution– if something such as gun laws doesn’t make sense ethically, then we should amend the constitution. If the fact that we already made a law for something is the only reason to keep it that way, that’s not enough.

Now, I know someone’s going to say (in so many words) “guns don’t kill people, people kill people.” That’s basically true, but A) gun availability correlates to gun related deaths strongly B) shouldn’t we apply the same logic to drugs–i.e. “cocaine doesn’t kill people, people kill themselves using cocaine” (because, the purpose of using cocaine isn’t to kill yourself, and you can avoid overdose by simply taking a safe amount)

Best answer:

Answer by Warlord Moneybags


Answer by Jacob
my son died because of marijuana. That place is dangerous, don’t go there.

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